Plans for the day were as follows: sleep in, drink coffee, meet up with a friend, pick out a Christmas tree, bring said holiday happiness home, set it up.
Next, enjoy two or three hours of socializing, then get back to work. Yes, work.
Best Laid Plans? Holiday Preparations Gone Awry…
Unfortunately, the day isn’t going according to plan. In fact, all best laid (and meticulously orchestrated) plans have been, well… scrapped.
This is especially annoying during holiday preparation time, when schedules are tight, even weekends are involved, and little slack may be available. In my case, still hobbling a bit with a sprained ankle, I was counting on today (and an assist) for some physical activities that now will not be possible.
Better in the long run?
Beauty Sleep? Sleeping Beauty?
I woke too early – (must I really describe the puffy eyes?) – and I woke to a steady, droning rain that soon became an unrelenting downpour. Two cups of coffee and a phone call later, I suggested to the aforementioned friend that we defer our exterior exploration for any purpose whatsoever – holidays aside.
In this weather, dragging a wet tree through my house and across hardwood floors is not on my list of Advisable Activities.
Moreover, one glance in the mirror confirmed what I already knew. I need sleep. Gobs of it. And in lieu of sleep – something close, like dozing or simply dreaming. Even if the “day” dreaming variety.
My “beauty” regimen? Sadly, it doesn’t include sufficient shut-eye. My bad. (Seriously.) I need to do better. (Seriously.)
As for my friend whose day was already jammed up, I suspect he was relieved to scratch my tree task from his list, at least for now.
The Necessity of a Plan B
Plan B. Don’t we all need a Plan B? At the very least?
Relative quiet. Recreational reading. Appreciation for the glossy, darkened leaves outside my window, resolute in withstanding the continuing rain as nature does its thing, my heat humming in the background.
After all, we can’t fight nature, right? But we certainly try, and I’m no exception. My body tells me to rest and I ignore it. My spirit tells me to take a breath and direct my energies elsewhere, even briefly, and again, I argue with my own better, dare I say it… nature.
I am consoled by the necessity of opting for Plan B and its unexpected gift: a day to slow down.
Listening to my body is not my best event. I know my tendency to bite off more than I can chew. Yet here I am, giving it a shot, curled up and with a book at my side, considering herbal tea bags for the puffy eyes… and no work. For one entire 24-hour period, no work. Not even a ‘scrap.’
With Plan A tossed?
Plan B is sounding just fine.
Next: Plan C and Another Busy Week Ahead
I’ll need a Plan C for the tree of course. And today’s wrinkle will invariably impact next week, which was already looking a bit plump with activities including holiday food shopping and major mountains of laundry. Naturally, that’s in addition to work and writing.
But there’s no drama in any of that, and I’m certain I’ll figure it out.
For now, I’m delighted with Plan B – a real book awaits, as does this little gift of time to myself, courtesy of a cold, hard rain.
By the way, look for more in the mother-daughter relationship series next week. Are you enjoying it as much as I am? I hope so. And I’m delighted to say that several more talented writers have agreed to participate. My thanks to all of them for doing so, and to you who share your stories with us in the comments.
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Enjoy!! I have to catch up on the Mother/Daughter series. Have a great weekend, D.A.
I am so glad that you gave in to your body and took a day off. I am most definitely not sleep deprived, getting a solid 8 hours every night. But this week, I’d wake up in the morning and not feel quite rested. As I suspected, I was coming down with something. On Friday, after breakfast and a dog walk with a friend, it hit. I knew I had to surrender to the chills, headache, and even a bit of nausea (yuck). I spent most of the day conked out and even postponed my one business call. I was too sick to focus. This morning I woke up feeling much better, did some laundry, vacuumed even. But I also stayed dressed in my “loungewear” — long underwear if you must know — and spent the afternoon under the covers curled up with Donna Tartt’s “The Goldfinch.” Pure bliss.
Good for you and the ole’ plan B. Let A go for a day.
You, more than anyone I know need to take a break. I love rainy days for that reason…
Merci, Heather. xo
I am so glad to hear that you took a break. To me, it is essential to my being able to continue living in this world. I hope that it was refreshing enough to bear repeating! Fondly, Leslie
Rainy days – I am glad you had a plan B with the words “curled up with a good book” and “24-hour period…no work”.
We got a fake tree years ago. I know it’s not the same, but we like it 🙂
My weekend plans were scrapped as well. My Saturday of Christmas shopping was derailed…and replaced with an impromptu afternoon gathering my hubby decided to do at the last minute. That meant cleaning and cooking took precedence during prime shopping hours! Now, I’m behind and anxiously scheduling when I can it all in this week!
Listening to the rain and reading a book in the comforts of your home – Sounds like more of a Plan A to me!
Glad you had the chance to recharge.
Maybe it should have been the Plan A all along, Rudri!