Ever wake up to a passel of problems – not of your making?
I could chalk up the recurring rumblings to Murphy’s Law. I could surrender any and all ambitions (delusions?) I stubbornly retain about refashioning my life, and become my Truest Secret Self: an eccentric Hat Lady-Cat Lady, but one with great shoes, natch.
A bad day?
Yes, you could say that, and it’s still early. Perhaps I could consider the capacity of some cosmic Karma that I’ve yet to decipher. Payback for some dastardly deed in a past life?
I count my blessings – frequently – two healthy sons, reasonable health of my own, a roof still over my head (more of a miracle than you may realize). I am grateful for the rebellion in my bones (and brains), which refuses to surrender as I grow older.
If anything, I’m more of a fighter than ever. But all too often, my energies are spent dealing with damage control.
Can We Re-Open the Complaint Department?
As for details, we’ll skip them for now. Too ridiculous, too plentiful, too Twilight Zone.
Let’s just say there have been dragons to slay behind the scenes – every. damn. day. They cover a rather impressive spectrum – financial, technological, professional, personal.
Hell, I’m afraid to leave the house! The dragons are having dragons! Even if I don’t leave the house, it’s going on even when I’m sitting at my laptop, toiling away in my home office!
This is the moment when I usually break into terse verse or a sorry sonnet. Attempting to pluck humor from aggravation. But I’m beyond that at present, and dare not attempt a mockery of meter or the tangling of a tercet.
How to Feel Better on a Bad Day
I would soothe myself with a second cup of coffee, but I cannot get to the coffee maker until I clean up a heap of broken glass. (Don’t ask.)
I would skip the coffee and go for a bran muffin, but I can’t chew. (Remember Chipmunk Cheeks? Again, don’t ask.)
I probably shouldn’t have the coffee anyway, since yesterday’s visit with the dentist wreaked havoc with the lips that were just beginning to heal. (Hello, Mouthy?)
Good Stuff, Good Stuff, Everything is Fine, Good Stuff
And I tell myself that everything is fine. (Does that actually work?)
I remind myself of all the good stuff in my life.
I am convinced that I can defy any cosmic inclination to keep me down for long – for any reason – and I will leave you with these thoughts as well as my apologies for a raw, rough, and ragged morning musing that is worth little other than free therapy for myself.
My utterly unoriginal wisdom?
Some days we all want to run away from our lives, and it’s due to the seemingly trifling things – a mountain of them – often entirely out of our control, yet exercising potentially huge influence on whatever comes next.
But there is no running away. Only digging deep, finding resolve, and dealing with the daily shit – whatever it may be. Better yet, trying to transform it into something better.
These are the days it pays to have family and friends, relationships you can count on, a self you can count on. Cherish those who will support you and listen to you. Nab a hug if you can (it helps everything), and then get on with it.

So sorry about the stress – it often does come in bunches!
Yes – bunches – not threes, bunches. You said it, Missy June.
I know exactly what you mean …
I have had moments where I sat on the floor and laughed and cried at the same time.
Well you can count on a big virtual hug from me …
Tomorrow will be better .. and if not – the next day ..
Ha! Would that I could sit on the floor and cry! But I have “dry eye” and the worst possible thing you can do is let the tears flow! (Is this the part where I now insert woeful expletives in many languages? _____ (that was English); _________________________ (that was French; they offer more options); _____________ (that was Dutch; yes, I did say Dutch).
Can you outsource crying?
Thank you Vicki Lee. I’m going to try to laugh instead of cry. And thank you for the virtual hug!
Here is a virtual hug! Wishing you a brighter tomorrow; at the very least, one in which you can chew.
Thank you for the hug. (Now I need virtual soup…) 🙂
No, we cannot really run away from problems, but sometimes, some days, we just need to hunker down in the quiet and safety (relative – broken glass happens) of our homes, to isolate ourselves, take time to regroup. Do something inane this day – do something you like this day – to heck with what “should” be done. You need to come first some days.
I’m going to ponder that, Carol.
Maybe I should write some terse verse!
My day was yesterday! And my issues are still not resolved…anything that involves calling a customer service department usually means that I will have to be extra patient!
I hope you get some chill time to recover and that you can have a wonderful weekend!
Exactly, Pam! (I won’t tell you how many hours I have been on the phone with THREE different issues and THREE different places over THREE different disasters I had nothing to do with all of which affect my bottom line… and have been causing agita for a week!)
Thank you for the good wishes! (You have a good weekend, too.)
The worst part is when you anticipate that there might be a problem in the making, you try to clue in the operative players that it is a possibliity, being specific in showing a relationship between what you see evidence of now and what you anticipate…..And It Happens Anyway…..!!!!
And then …You…. have to clean it up. That is when I grind my teeth…
Your post is timely as always, comes at the exact moment I am feeling my lowest, BLW, when I’m sick to death of dealing with everyone’s whining, and at the same time want to throw myself in somebody’s arms and whine my ass off. But there’s nobody to throw myself at, and that makes me feel even lower. When did I become Chief Problem-Solver of the World, and who’s going to solve my problems if I’m busy solving theirs? How do we relieve ourselves of this burden? I remember how it feels to be relieved. I just can’t remember how to get there.
Oh Madelia. I hear you… I’m sending you a virtual hug. Wish it could be something more. (A stand-in Chief Problem-Solver.)
Tomorrow will be better. I promise. Sending hugs. xoxo
That’s exactly what it takes. A sturdy self at base. And that involves a lot of work to establish. xoxox.