Seeking to understand the opposite sex.
Standing Up
Women are frequently more comfortable than men when it comes to expressing emotions, and discussing our inner lives and evolving roles. For some time I’ve been trying to find male voices – those who write beautifully, lucidly, and openly about their discoveries, their doubts, their relationships. I’ve stumbled upon a few (you know who you […]
Gender Roles: Virile Verbs, Apathetic Adverbs, Nouns in the Nunnery
Musing on gender stereotypes, parts of speech, and love.
Why We Sweat the Small Stuff
When the small stuff adds up…
Why I Choose to Think Like a Man
The pros and cons of a woman… who “thinks like a man.”
Terms of Endearment (Let Me Call You Sweetheart?)
Inappropriate terms of endearment? Just say NO.
Good Driver, Bad Passenger?
Do you consider yourself a confident driver, but not reckless? Skilled at night, and smart in treacherous weather conditions? Yet you squirm when you’re not behind the wheel, right? Good driver, bad passenger. So what does that say about you? About your leadership style? Need to lead? Are your driving habits one more sign of […]