Oldest. Youngest. The only woman or person of color…
Visible Inspiration
The importance of visible role models, at all levels.
Speaking Up for Ourselves
Why do women keep mum?
Over 50, Unemployed, Depressed and Powerless
Unemployed at 50+? It’s complicated.
What’s Your Recipe for Success?
Thumbs up to smart tips for achieving success.
The Working Dad’s Survival Guide
The Working Dad’s Suvival Guide by Scott Behson, PhD.
Perks, Praise and Pay: Why Money Talks
Perks and praise are nice, but money matters more.
Guile, Games, and Bluffing
Guile, game playing, bluffing. Thoughts on maneuvers to get what we want.
Better Performance After Taking Time Off?
Anxious about taking time off?
Working Women, Depression, Slanted Headlines
Looking at study data on women, careers, and depression through a rational societal lens.