Reflections on a proud dad, by Scott Behson.
Wrong Formula (for Work Family Balance)
Frozen eggs? Problems solved?
Moms Rising
What does the rise in stay-at-home moms mean for us? Work and family, choices and constraints.
On Being the “Husband”… Not a Bad Gig
Getting a taste of an “old school” role.
Enough with the Leaning Already!
Going beyond the individuals “leaning in,” if we’re ever to make real progress.
The 9-to-5 Job (Dolly Parton, Where Are You?)
The 9-to-5 work day. Innocent times gone by?
Kiss-Ride. Interesting concept… Is it relevant to contemporary families?
Stopping the Domino Effect
Dealing with the dominoes ready to fall on multiple fronts – work, family, health.
Wall Street Women Lean In, Stay-at-Home Dads Help Wives’ Careers
One example of how women achieve, but…
Mindfulness as Big Business. There’s an oxymoron in there somewhere. Well, a moron for sure.