The Working Dad’s Suvival Guide by Scott Behson, PhD.
Random Thoughts on Work and Motherhood
Mothering, work, and the meaning of both.
Perks, Praise and Pay: Why Money Talks
Perks and praise are nice, but money matters more.
Stay-At-Home-Dad Looking for a New Job?
SAHDs face job challenges, just like SAHMs.
Cover Letter From a Stay-At-Home-Dad
A creative cover letter from a parenting professional: the SAHD.
Do Married Men Make the Best Employees?
The (Male) Marriage Premium. Still a factor?
“Discordant Expectations in Marriage”
Marital Reality Gender Gap. Surprise, surprise.
Why Kids Are Hard on Marriage
Marriage problems after kids? Yup.
More Money!
How much money makes you feel safe?
The Sharing Model for Work and Family
Flexibility for working mothers requires a multidimensional view.