It’s easy enough to access information from everywhere these days — the office, the waiting room, or lying in bed just after opening your eyes. When I find myself struggling to make sense of the world as reconstructed by that information, struggling to make meaning out of garbled messaging, struggling to process events using my own words, I go back to basics.
One of my “basics” — the dictionary. I return to it for its precision, for its clarity, and for its useful elaborations and examples.
As a consumer of news who values language in all its nuance and ambiguity, I would like to share some definitions I decided to revisit this morning. Interpret them as you will, apply them as you see fit, or share a few terms of your own that would benefit from discussion.
Words to Live By? To Fret Over?
Here is the first word that popped into my mind this morning after catching the news at 5:30 a.m., after several days running of consuming news on the “Russia thing,” and following a series of tweets that sent me running for sugar and Advil before the clock struck eight…
This is a word I learned decades ago, studying history. The word is propaganda, explained by Oxford English Dictionaries as:
Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
Seems to me I learned that word in conjunction with studying Russian and Soviet history. My, but those were simpler and more innocent days…
Here’s a related term, which I picked up years later as a marketer. Spin. And when I learned to master my own marketing “spin,” I deemed it a benign communication skill, vital to my job performance, yet one to be managed responsibly. I suppose that “responsibly” is in the eye of the beholder.
When it comes to the definition of spin, Wikipedia offers a version that I find relevant.
Spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to persuade public opinion in favor or against some organization or public figure. While traditional public relations and advertising may also rely on altering the presentation of the facts, “spin” often implies the use of disingenuous, deceptive, and highly manipulative tactics. Spin is typically applied to events or situations which are deemed to be unfavourable or potentially harmful to the popularity of a person, brand or product.
As such, a standard tactic used in “spinning” is to reframe, reposition, or otherwise modify the perception of an issue or event, to reduce any negative impact it might have on public opinion.
Right. I’m dizzy from the surfeit of spin… But some things are real. Tangible. Spin won’t cut it.
Media Choices. Facts Over Factoids. Adulthood.
Welcome to our current cacophonous and combative media world, regardless of the sources we rely on. And as media moguls battle for our profitable attention — the sensational stimulates clicks, after all — we must act like responsible adults in our choices and their consequences.
All the more reason to broaden our sources, to include some that are not our usual, to question everything — including our usual.
Dare I make another distinction I obsessed over some years back — facts versus factoids?
Next on my hit parade is integrity, from Merriam-Webster:
firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
Yes, a “moral” code. Morality matters, however shape-shifting and relative it may seem, much less potentially outmoded.
Here’s another term for a tricky concept that most of us have used at one time or another — in our personal lives if not our professional ones. Obfuscation. Or, in its verb form, to obfuscate:
to throw into shadow, confuse, obscure; to be evasive, unclear, confusing…
Haven’t we all obfuscated when trying to wriggle out of a sticky situation? Hello… Adolescence?
For some, obfuscation is a strategy, and an effective one at that, which can border on gaslighting, itself an insidious form of psychological manipulation. The recipient of the confused and conflicting messaging is left scratching his head, and sometimes wondering if he’s crazy.
Leadership Is More Than Holding Power
My last item is this: leadership. I cannot overemphasize its importance. My own belief is that true leadership is not a matter of a title bestowing power or privilege, but something far rarer. Judgment. The ability to process complexity. The ability to advance a set of objectives in the interest of something larger — preferably of broad benefit.
I thought it appropriate to go to a business dictionary given the background of the individual whose leadership challenges are much in the news, and so I offer you this definition of leadership:
The activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this.
Leadership involves: establishing a clear vision; sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly; providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders.
… A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations.
Clarity of vision. Sharing the vision. Stepping up in times of crisis.
One final note. I am, like you, and like millions of people around the world, distressed, disheartened, and disgusted by the violence that occurred over the weekend in London. I am appalled at what attempts to pass for leadership in terms of responses I have seen on Twitter at the highest level. May we all find the strength, compassion, reason and perspective to think before we speak (or tweet), to reject hate and otherizing, and to put our faith in those best able to find solutions to the breadth and complexity of the underlying issues on the world stage.
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Disgusted ~ Adapt ~ Diversity ~ Stop Fighting ~ Dance! & Live!
Saturday early evening, I arrived at the Boathouse, on The Island, I few minutes away from my home to relieve the pain, the embarrassment, turning off my news devices, escaping the dig into the pit of my stomach ~the word -Disgusted.
I wave a hello to the lead of the local band as he grins, nods his head, welcomes me as I take my seat in good viewing of the sunset colors over the water behind the band and the happenings on going around me. I take notice of the locals out numbered by the tourists. I caught eyes with the lead’s partner who comes to join my perch on the outdoor wooden picnic tables. We greet with a hug. She asks, so long since I’ve seen you, where have you been? Resting, it’s been 6 months since I’ve seen the band, though I spoke to his mama yesterday, I say. She looks me into my eyes, “It never changes.” My eyes into hers, “It’s constantly changing.” ~the word: Change.
Across the empty dance floor, I noticed the man, 13y younger, who enjoyed my hot tub with me three days ago while he used my machines to do his laundry because he ran out of quarters at the laundry mat. A new 2016 local, a 2010 divorcee, a relocation from California to Texas, a reinvention from oil tank trucker to real estate agent. Stepping away from friends, he works his way over for an introduction to my band friend ~ the word: Adapt.
A lady approaches with a very heavy Russian accent to ask if she could buy a beer for me. My surprise! She explained that she was alone struggling to meet new friends. My answer was of course, a yes, hang out with us, I’ll be your friend ~the word: Diversity.
The man returns to his circle and the three of us open the floor to dance. We dance, the band rocks, the hula-hoops spin, a 6y girl embraces with loving hands and an unwelcome fight begins to break. The lead singer continues his beat with singing the words loudly in honor of our vets, be kind, be love, and be peace…stop fighting…la,la,la,la. I focus to face the rumble, hand peace signs fly into the outdoor air and the fighting instantly ends as I pull one of the 20y local coast guards away from harm into the dance floor ~the words: Stop Fighting.
The dance floor fills: young, old, Hispanic, White, Black, American, Russian, Australian, poor, wealthy, and all walks of life in between. An announcement of a newlywed in their formal attire, traditional long bellowing white gown appears and we all continue to live in this very moment; place down those arms, dance away the anger, the rage, the hurt, the disappointment, the failure in all our lives; we unite to dance so energy transforms: remember to love, to engage, to joy, to kindness, to generosity ~the word: Dance! & Live!
~ the word: Heartbreaking
Paris again? Grieve, mend, and heal. Live.
I do wonder what others think and feel. How others deal and cope with it all.
Thank you for all your words, TD. As for how others are dealing, I don’t know. I imagine that the more we can busy ourselves or are actually super busy with families and work and so on, the easier it is to turn away from these events. But there is so much happening, so much of it is unlike anything we have observed before, and it seems to be happening at such a pace that it is both hard to process and at times, overwhelming. And I am speaking of events happening on the world stage as well as at home in the US.
Yes. I think you are correct.