Are you ready for the next few days? For getting through the holidays — stress free? Have you finally learned to go with the flow through life’s moments? Or better yet, to glow with the flow?
Is every room now filled with the spicy, woodsy, cozy aromas you love so much as winter descends?
Wood crackling in the fireplace… pies baking in the oven… pomander balls of orange and cloves, a fragrant feast for the nose… fresh pine from greens or a tree, such a special treat.
Is your home neat, sweet, and ready to greet family and friends?
Nothing at loose ends?
Nary a book or file (or laundry pile) out of place?
Moi aussi.
That’s apparent, don’t you think?
Are your laptop, tablet, smartphone and other devices tucked away where you won’t be tempted?
Might there be a smile on your face for the day (or week), if not for others than pleasantly and peacefully for yourself, content with 24 or 48 or even 72 hours of pax, paix or unconventional and enjoyable play?
That’s harder, I know.
Natch, I’m as exquisitely accommodating and at ease as you… Not true?
Ah, the “dream” self. You have one, right?
You know that version of yourself…
Moi aussi.
You’re the Hostess With the Mostess, you know just the right thing to say in every situation, you can always comfort a friend, and you are a veritable fountain of wisdom and humor and grace… at all times.
Aren’t we all?
Just like you, I too possess the very same intuitive and verbal finesse, no matter the mountain of stress that I will promptly reduce to the dimensions of molehill.
Oh… Did I mention that you’re also always chic? Ahead of the curve? The epitome of seasonal verve?
Right. And speaking of which, let’s get to that simple style, that enigmatic Mona Lisa smile, that search-a-while on my head for just the right perch to dangle a bauble or two… my “holiday hair.”
Too much?
Now, I wouldn’t want to disappoint with anything so insignificant as reality. Real reality.
For example, one might consider the fact that my house is rather a mess, my tree less than lavishly decorated, gifts yet to be wrapped, files stacked on a table I really must clear (oh dear)… and me? Far from at my best.
Then there is the baking not begun. (Might I be able to coax and cajole Number One Son into making his famous Russian Apple Sharlotka?)
Then again, I’ve already given him a list of things to fix and errands to run. But if you have the time, the result is divine. All you need to do is chop and mix (and bake, of course):
- 6 Granny Smith apples
- 3 large eggs
- flour, sugar, vanilla extract
- powdered sugar and cinnamon (or allspice) to top
And for more detail, pop by and read the recipe from Smitten Kitchen.
I doubt my son is in the mood for this sort of food just now… If only I had half a freezer filled with delectables such as these… Ladurée macarons, please!
That said, herewith as part of my fun is last year’s tree, fully decked. (Yes, footwear folly in miniature is part of the décor… No plans for the dinosaurs this year, however.)
And just like you (no doubt), I will not stress and pout over the mess, nor force myself into Domestic Goddess mode despite a few attempts ahead… a Christmas ham (not yet), a bit of baking (better bet)… Oh, would that I could lounge in bed and binge-watch Scandal or The Knick, and I don’t mean Saint!
Yet isn’t my current imaginary ‘do’ beautifully coordinated to my fine pine, my theme of lights and red, and my generally wildly frivolously merrily holiday inspired head?
This fictitious form of female?
Not my dream self at all but reality — was there ever any doubt? As real as your version of the impeccable and personable host to any guest in the fantasy we create, as we welcome chaos or quiet, and attempt to connect to others and ourselves.
And here I sit, but not for long. While not yet light, right in keeping with the date (and great ingredients in the house) — not to mention two perpetually hungry young men — if not now, when?
It’s time to whip up my pineapple upside down cake and other goodies while the household enjoys their zzzzs.
Your thoughts on trees? Lights? A few moments to take a deep breath?
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After reading this, all that I can say is; “You absolutely amaze me!” Now…I have no idea how you write these things, how long it takes, when you do them, where you do them, whether you first make drafts, etc., etc. I know NOTHING about what you do here EXCEPT…….I thoroughly enjoy reading everything!
All I know is; after making coffee, bringing in the garbage cans, checking the mailbox, reading the Op-Ed page in the Times, and taking a shower……..I’m seriously thinking about taking a nap!
Just playing with words, Ron… and the occasional rhyme for some morning fun… A nap sounds like a good plan!
As I first started reading I was planning to respond with text of out of control laughter (Bwa-ha-ha !, etc).
Then you eventually got into a range I could identify with.
I’m OK now.
You DO know I was having a little fun, Robert… laughing at myself, and the rest of us…
Truth be told, this isn’t much… a little wander through some parts old, shimmied and jimmied between sets and reps beneath the physical therapist’s touch… Not cold, the bench and towels and all that smarts with heat applied; best to conjure needles for hair, berries and balls, a smile at angling silly rhymes…
Oh, of course! Likewise my response.
I’m glad things are brighter, lighter!
Simply wonderful.
When I play golf, I am always told that I make hitting a golf ball look smooth with an easy tempo. I never understood that, because in my mind, all I do is line up the shot, and pull the trigger. No big deal!
This is obviously how you view your extraordinary writing talent. It just comes natural to you. No big deal! It reminds me of something I read once written in the vernacular: “There are some what has it, and some what wants it!” (LOL)
Here is my Christmas after many years of being the hostess with the mostess. Youngest son visited for a couple of days last weekend fitting me in with his very busy navy schedule. Tomorrow after Christmas Eve service, I will have supper (provided by a wonderful local diner) with a dear friend. Christmas Day I will drive for about 4 hours to meet sons one and two. We will have dinner, spend the night at a nice hotel, and we will all go back to our respective homes mid-day on Saturday. Unusual and a bit weird for someone who has not done anything other than roast turkeys and bake pies for Christmas Day. Going with the flow here, come hell or high water,,,
Best wishes to you, D.A.
I totally understand, Cornelia. It really is weird when things change, but going with the flow is good… Warmly, D. A.
We’re in the kitchen today too, preparing for our Christmas Eve dinner and festivities. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and all the best in the new year!
You, too, Kristy! xo
THIS WAS MARVELOUS…………SORRY SOCIAL MEDIA got put on the back burner this past week………..I am catching up!!!
I think it’s GREAT that social media got put on the back burner this week! More time to spend with real people in our lives, enjoying the holidays! xo