Ever feel like hanging a sign on your door to buy yourself a little time off, a bit of quiet time, or maybe a good time? How about a Gone Viral sign?
Now that would be fun, wouldn’t it?
Then again, if you go viral – or rather, something you write or post goes viral – you’re probably caught up in tracking its popularity and telling all your friends, which may be a good time, but isn’t exactly a day at the beach.
Speaking of the beach, how about “Gone Surfing” – or maybe simply “Gone on Vacation?”
These days, I would be happy with a Staycation, if it came with daily soaks in a deep tub with loads of bubbles.
Unfortunately, any “stay” for many of us this week is likely to involve cleaning and preparatory cooking, as we are on the brink of Round One of the holidays. Grateful though we may be if we have friends and loved ones with whom to share the day, that doesn’t mean we aren’t equally grateful when we can slip into a bath or curl up on the couch – for a wee bit of R & R.
Of course, some of us are tempted to hang up the Gone Fishing sign, proverbially speaking.
Personally, I don’t fish.
Gone for the Day would do the trick, though it lacks a certain… je ne sais quoi.
Meanwhile, I can think of a few activities I might enjoy that would surely entice me to close my literal and virtual doors, to all but a very few.
For example, where’s the Gone to Paris option?
Might we add variations to include our preferences of arrondissement, type of accommodation and proximity to museums of our choice? May I specify a tree-lined boulevard to stroll with a lover, swathed in scarves and pink-cheeked in the cold, stopping for a quick… bite?
Then again, I’d happily take the Gone Gallery Hopping sign, and if not in Paris, Manhattan would suit me nicely.
Nor would I say no to Gone With the Wind as a means to seemingly disappear from virtual view, free to turn over the tablet, silence the cell and turn off the laptop.
Naturally, I would leave my mind in the upright position, but focused purely on appreciation of people and pleasures that happen to come my way, and a decidedly decadent dose of my favorite reading.
Does anyone else have a desire to “go fishing” this week – putting out the “closed for business” sign? Or have you already done so – and managed it, guilt-free?
Challenging though it is (for some of us… yes, moi…) I think I may place my typically Type A personality on semi-hold for a few days, and as fishing, surfing, Paris and gallery hopping are not on the menu (though turkey is), I will have to settle for…
No. Not for the good stuff (shoes, shoes, shoes). Groceries, for which I am always grateful. Especially when I can share a meal with the people in my life.
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I think “gone viral” is hilarious and I’m totally stealing it for my Skype status 😀
Off to read the “how to relax with a Type A personality” article now. Have a great you-time, D.A.!
Mille bises, N.
Milles bises à toi aussi, Nath! (Happy I made you chuckle.) 😉
Yes you did, and then you also further brightened my day. x
Our original plan was just the 2 of us. Then a sick friend couldn’t leave her house so we and another couple decided to cook at our friend’s place so she wouldn’t be alone. All good. Then I signed up for a webinair on Sunday night to get tips to launch a new venture. Then I started to book a visit to a local winery and stopped myself. I’m keeping the rest of the weekend to myself. And no “viral” for me–I got a virus in Sicily last month and it practically ruined my vacation! I’m watching DVR’ed movies and other good stuff AT HOME!
Ugh to the virus, Carol. No fun. But glad to hear you stopped yourself from overbooking the weekend. It’s hard to change those habits, isn’t it? Enjoy your holiday!