I bumped into a short article recently on the best jobs for women… according to men.
That isn’t exactly how the piece was positioned, but it’s a quickie, unscientific glimpse into the male psyche.
I must clarify: the men were young, the data nothing more than asking a few gents their opinions, and I confess that the responses (for me) elicited laughs more than insight.
Care to know what gets the thumbs up?
According to the Your Tango article I perused on what men really think of women’s jobs, teachers are a good choice, but you risk reminding him of your mother. That could certainly pose some drawbacks, depending on the context. Then again, if you genuinely like and respect Dear Old Mom, I can think of a lot worse things than this kind of long-term match-up!
Another mention? Nurses, and it seems they are an excellent choice. Putting two and two together, good (future) marriage material.
Note to self: Absence of female physicians. Not even pediatricians, which I might have anticipated.
What Jobs Would Men Prefer for the Women They Date?
So we have a positive review for nurses and teachers. And while there was no explicit comment about the parenting skills that might be assumed, I would have to think that plays into the response.
A few more jobs that were included are secretary, lawyer, and writer. The administrative wiz? She’ll make a terrific suburban wife. After all, she’ll be comfortable with domestic paperwork.
As for the woman who chooses to practice law, she may pose a bit of a problem for a man. The concern? The guy can never win an argument!
Ah, the writer… she’s a tough cookie. She’s an independent thinker and quite likely, a free spirit. But not to worry (I told my man)… she’s passionate, or so says the article. (My significant other assured me that was good news; more than enough to offset the challenge of a woman who thinks for herself.)
While I’m amused at this article, and I realize it isn’t intended to present serious gender role discussions, I can’t help but be slightly distressed that young men still retain these retro views. And while there’s no claim to a representative sample of any sort, considering my own sons who are in their very early twenties, I know they don’t hold these beliefs, but I wonder if my kids are atypical.
Best Jobs for Women Who Want Family Flexibility?
Now, I will say that the premise of this article touches on an important issue – for me. That premise is less what careers (a handful of young) men might like women to pursue, but rather, what careers – realistically speaking – suit a future family.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if it were possible to compile a list of “best jobs for women with families” that includes any career option that is also viable for a man of like mind?
And when I say that, I mean a man who is also concerned about balance. A man who wants sufficient time for his family so that the work-“life” equation isn’t entirely tipped toward career.
Unfortunately (for the fairer sex), women continue to make the greater career / earnings sacrifice during child-rearing years, as we all face too few “flexibility” options.
Meanwhile, whether teaching makes a man think of “mom” or not, personally, I consider it a vital field for both men and women, with schedules that are “friendlier” to raising kids than those in many other fields. If only teachers were compensated to reflect the importance of the job.
As for caregiving roles in general, whether you’re speaking of nursing or doctoring, we know the long shifts can be grueling, the responsibilities enormous, and stress levels run high. When you add in parenting – regardless of gender – you’d better hope for a flexible spouse, or family members to assist with caring for your children.
The jobs referenced in the article leave rather significant gaps… Then again, the benefit of this “expertise” may be in the quick chuckle, but also the reminder that we shouldn’t assume that old stereotypes don’t still persist. Moreover, the flexibility that becomes important when we have families is a shared issue. Speaking of which, fair is fair… You can also check out what a handful of women really think about men’s jobs…
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