Am I crazy? Not in the least.
This morning I wouldn’t say I was crazed, but crazy busy?
I was simultaneously updating six files, checking two email systems, and engaging in conversation in three time zones… thanks to Skype. I’ve been merrily moving along just fine, sticky notes at the ready (and two computers if required). The rest of the day looks to be more of the same.
What helps?
Carefully placed reminders and checklists, sure. Coffee, at least as much. The long, hot shower a few hours ago, no doubt. The delight of snow flurries outside my window, yes.
But the real something extra?
One fabulous color!
Dress Well in Your Home Office
You know I believe in the power of dressing well – professionally – even when you work in a home office. Do I follow my own guidelines all the time?
Um… no.
And you know you’ve been wearing too much black when your client comments on it in a meeting, however nicely. So for an extra energizing day, I dressed properly and added a jewel tone and a big smile.
Let me tell you – it’s a winner. I’m zipping along (and zipping through this rapid hello), happy to share my flurry of activity (to accompany the snowflakes).
Bright Color to Energize Your Multi-Tasking
Not convinced? Want proof? Think I’m incapable of slipping into a brilliant burst of color?
Okay… I admit to black jeans and a black jacket, but the deep blue-green tone around the face does wonders. Moreover, my mood is uplifted enormously by this heavenly hue. May I share more of my jeans and color stories with you, here?
Meanwhile, I need a refill on the cuppa Joe, and the other side of the world is calling. (Ever have those days? Those weeks? To be truthful, I’m having fun… )
Your Multi-Tasking Tricks?
I’m curious to know how you manage your multi-tasking, especially when juggling spouses, partners, kids, the office (home or not)… and digging a path through the snow so you can take out the dog.
- What helps you multitask effectively but without being crazed?
- Do you thrive on the the last lap to the finish line of an exciting project?
- What’s your work style when it comes to meeting an ambitious schedule?
For me, when I’m collaborating with a terrific team (and I am), enjoying the “product” as it comes to life (and I am), this sort of adrenaline is energizing. So bring on a fourth time zone – and another pot of coffee.
Perhaps a touch of fuchsia tomorrow?
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That is a fabulous color on you! It goes so well with your skin tone. No wonder you feel good in it. 🙂 And, yes, fuchsia tomorrow! With some sassy heels if your ankle can tolerate them!
Fuchsia it is, Lisa. 🙂 Or maybe, purple…
That is one fabulous color! I agree…I always dress when working from home or running errands…you just do not know what the day holds. I am really not sure how I do all that I do….except, I make a lot of notes in my planner and phone. I also send myself emails, because I know I will check my emails several times a day. And if I do not get it all done…I don’t beat myself up…but my family may do that for me! 🙂 Enjoyed the post!
Sending yourself emails, Pam… Yes! I do that, too. Very helpful. (And you always inspire with how pulled together you are. I love visiting your site to see what ensembles and treasures you have to share.) 🙂
I wear far too much black. So the dress I bought 2 days ago, is, royal blue! I have already been told by one onlooker that the blue really makes my eyes pop. And it did have a positive effect on my energy.
I am tending to NOT multitask these days. Trying to keep focus on one thing at a time, even when the list stretches on and on. When a deadline is near, I go into the zone, concentrating on that detail before me while keeping the big picture (where all the details need to fit) as well at the front of my brain.
I do multitask when I cook. But I have many mini timers helping. Otherwise, something will burn.
Ahh, you look gorgeous as always. I do get dressed to work in my home office — pajamas are tempting but really not an option because the dog has to be walked, and I mean WALKED, not just let out, every morning before I sit down to my desk, so I have to dress for that. It’s frigid outside and not so warm inside either (oil bills can be scary).
I am not nearly as busy as you, but lists scattered across my desk and a big pad can help me keep track of ideas and assignments. What I’d really like is a chalk board for my home office, but there’s not enough wall space and I am loathe to remove any of the artwork in here.
But something else you said resonated with me. I have a semi-retired spouse. Today we had to have “the talk” about how easily I am distracted and how torn I am between getting work done and spending time (afternoon nap, anyone?) with him……
A chalk board – yes, great idea, Judith. And they add warmth to a room somehow. I admit, I would love a whiteboard somewhere (or chalkboard). No space.
The semi-retired spouse/significant other. Yes, a challenge. My ‘man friend’ is a teacher, he gets gobs of time off when I’m working; it’s a source of… let’s say… negotiation. 🙂
Now you have me smiling though… I love the chalkboard idea!
For me, black and white always seem to be perfect, however, I love turquoise, the color. My dressing up means I put on the right amount of jewelry, sometimes way too much of the right amount. I love beautiful shoes and bags so maybe this constitutes dressing up too. I’m a total cliff-hanger person, I thrive on a deadline looming and do my best work then. But when I’m going to have a party I start planning in July for a Christmas party. This doesn’t make sense does it? I love your jewel toned top, I think color always makes us look younger and happier. And, YES, I think you should get dressed to work at home. Otherwise, you’re pulled in many other directions and one thing I know for certain is that I’m not gardening or cleaning with my Escada outfit on!!
Marsha, you make me smile… (And the pictures of your parties are always spectacular. The planning and love and care you put into them is so evident!)
No Escada for cleaning or gardening. Check. No heels either? (*grin*)
I just started using the app Evernote and I love it. I used to email myself and have long to do lists but using Evernote makes me feel hip :). It syncs between computer and all devices and is easy to use. I use it to write, keep lists and most importantly I use it to capture work conversations or with pediatrician so I can recount conversations with my wife who likes to know exactly what someone said.
That sounds cool – and useful. Great recommendation, Neil.
Emerald is such a wonderful colour, and really, really suits you. Not everybody can pull off bold colours. I like to dress properly for my home office; more than that – whenever my work involves writing (as opposed to: writing bills and other organisational tasks) and making phone calls, I wear my cocktail rings.
Now all the good questions! 😀
“What helps you multitask effectively but without being crazed?” – Multitasking doesn’t exist, it’s only very fast sequential “tasking”, or at least that’s what most recent cognition research suggests. So what helps me are lists and religiously sticking to deadlines, good time mgmt, being properly prepared, getting enough sleep – and all the boring healthy lifestyle blah-blah-blah 😉
“Do you thrive on the last lap to the finish line of an exciting project?” – Not exactly. I keep my motivation on a certain level, energised but without too much enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is due after the finish line is crossed 😀
“What’s your work style when it comes to meeting an ambitious schedule?” – Saying no, quite simple. I find it honest to decline projects if I’d have to squash new jobs in into an overbooked schedule. Quite often, if people really seek to work with me, projects can be adjusted to my schedule. I’d also say my work style is 70% planning and 30% go with the flow.