Ah, memories of Saturday Night Live. Classic Saturday Night Live at that. You know. Land shark. Akroyd as Julia Child. Those wonderful snarly weekend updates.
Well, no snarling from yours truly, but I would like to comment on a few things I have encountered on the web, as well as other odds and ends.
And no, there’s no relevance to the woman under the retro hair dryer. But don’t you love that image?
Okay. Great. Here goes.
Item One. Miley Cyrus. Enough Already!
I’m weary of seeing Miley Cyrus plastered all over the media. All those equally tired of twerking and the barely-more-than-teen twerker, please raise your hand. Or, if you must, shake that bootie.
Yes, bootie. I much prefer it over the jiggled ass cheeks, thank you very much.
Item Two. Prepare Your Chuckle.
This cracked me up. Liz Henry wrote a very funny piece at The Broad Side. Do check it out: “These Tea Party Brats Need a Backpack Leash.” You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll think of cats… Well, you’ll remember what raising your toddlers was like.
Item Three. From North of the Border.
Yes, this is along similar lines. In his own inimitable style, Mr. William Quincy Belle also offers us a few thoughts on American Politics in his recent rumination on the shut-down, here. I dare say not only Mr. Belle is shaking his head north of the border… and within these borders as well.
Item Four. Pop Culture Observations and Admissions.
I’m ready for more Downton Abbey. I’m counting down until I can indulge. Must we really wait until January 5, 2014? It’s bad enough I’ve run out of Swedish Wallanders to watch… And Scandal was fabulous the other night. So addictive.
And now a confession. I’ve only recently become familiar with Say Yes To The Dress. (Where have I been living? Under a rock? Oh wait, glued to my laptop and deadlines…) But here’s the thing. What fascinates me most of all are the mothers. Astonishing antics.
Item Five. More Wolf on the Web.
A few other links of my own around the web, and no not all, and sheesh… no wonder I’m tired!
- Stop by and comment on The Divorcée Stigma at Huff Post if you’re so inclined. Yes, it really is alive and well. Color me surprised.
- If you haven’t checked out Divorce Whirlwind, you may find something of interest in the relationship realm, whatever your marital status. This new writing venture is updated two or three times each week.
- Speaking of which, I know some of you are or have been in rebound relationships. Or, you’re wondering if you’re seeing someone who is. Stop by and learn more about the signs of a rebound relationship, at Divorced Moms.
- Perhaps a few of you can relate to this essay on libido, and as I strongly suspect that stress is at play… I’m planning on lowering my stress as much as I possibly can. Then again, maybe I should take up twerking…
Last But Not Least. Get Off Your Devices!
I hope you find merit or mirth in my Saturday morning mentions. And now, I have a little work to catch up on, a stack of magazines (yes, print) to go through, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get outside on a gorgeous autumn day.
So… glance at what interests you, bookmark to come back at a future time, but be sure to get off your smartphones and iPads and laptops and engage with real people and nature if you can. Moderation in all things, right? Including our online entertainment!

The Jimmy Kimmel video on William’s posting is illustrative of the whole situation in America, you can just hear the Fox News talking points being repeated without understanding the basics of the legislation. Comedy gold too, we dislike the whole but like the ingredients, the opposite of a chicken nugget 🙂
Government health care is not all manna from heaven but having access to regular checkups/visits and not having to worry about losing your home if you get sick is worth the occasional delay in certain tests or treatments. No system is perfect, health care is a difficult problem so any progress is worth fighting for.
I agree, batticus. (That video left me mouth agape.)
Fun stuff. Hope you got out and enjoyed some autumnal sunshine. We’re covered in fog this morning (Sunday) but it’s supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees later today – I’m going on a cottage tour in southeast Salem (Oregon) and for a walk in the park. Can’t wait.
Liz Henry’s piece is spot on. The toddlers are trying to run the nursery and there will soon be dirty diapers all over the floor for the adults to pick up.
So glad you read Liz Henry’s piece, Deja Pseu. She does indeed nail it.
I just learned a new word…Twerk. I’m not sure I’ll be using it in a sentence. And I definitely won’t be using it on the dance floor 🙂
Glad to hear it, Rob. 😉
I agree with you on the incessant coverage on Miley. Another “celebrity” I do not want to hear about it is Kim Kardashian and her comings and goings.
Interesting tid-bits, Wolf. Thanks.