Some say eyes are the windows to the soul. So it follows – beautiful eyes, beautiful spirit?
When I look into the eyes of almost any child, they seem beautiful to me; the child is untouched as yet by hurt or disillusionment.
When I look into the eyes of anyone full of hope, they seem beautiful to me – optimism shines through.
When I look into the eyes of a beautiful woman (or man), I may perceive external beauty, but there are times when I cannot pierce the veil.
Beauty may be used to mask feelings, to distract others; beauty as a means to an end.
For some the most attractive feature may be a beautiful smile. But I look to the eyes.
I remember as a teenager that I desperately wanted to resemble Elizabeth Taylor, and I dreamed of tinted contact lenses so that I might possess her gorgeous violet eyes. And incidentally, Taylor’s violet eyes were the result of a rare amount of natural pigment melanin.
In my opinion, she had the most beautiful eyes in the world, extraordinary not only for their color, but framed in lush black lashes and enhanced by her thick arching brows. I still think of her – immediately – when I hear mention of great beauties. And it’s hard for me to believe that it was nearly one year ago that we lost her.
Others with magnificent and penetrating peepers?
You’ll find Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie, and even the former Wonder Woman Lynda Carter on many lists.
Then again, I picture my sons and their eyes filled with laughter. As children. As teenagers. And I daresay, to me, they have the most beautiful eyes in the world.
- Don’t we put enormous store in even the slightest movements reflected in the eyes?
- Do you presume personality traits from the expression in a person’s eyes, or their shape and general appearance? After all, we have expressions like beady eyes, bug eyes, and googly eyes – casting character or personality based wholly on physical attributes.
- What about language that relies on eyes – like giving someone the evil eye?
- Do you look to the eyes as a manifestation of a person’s true feelings or thoughts?
- Are you a sucker for beautiful eyes? (I know I am.)
Image of Beautiful Girl, courtesy Yours Truly (and related talented teen artist).
Click image of Liz Taylor to access, Top Ten Most Beautiful Eyes.

Dearest D
We saw someone this evening whose eyes have lost their light. It is the most heartbreaking sight. We glanced up. Blew them a kiss. And just for a second, they sparkled behind their broken, shattered soul.
Paris is a hard place for those tired in sprit.
NYC is worse.
We feel restored by this trip.
And yes.
We’re a sucker for beautiful eyes too 😉
_tg xx
I would add another Elizabeth to your list, Elizabeth Hurley. She has stunning eyes and an overall classic beauty. Hugh Grant must continually kick himself these days for screwing things up with her.
People worry about nudity in public and I have to wonder, have they not seen the naked passion in people’s eyes in public? Eyes are so sexy and interesting. When I see green eyes, it often sets me reeling. Guess what color eyes Suzy has? ;0)
Be well Wolfie.
Ha! Gandalfe, I’m guessing her baby blues are anything but…
When I was looking at the photos my son took after returning from a mission in Africa, what drew me in was the luminescence and emotion that showed in the eyes of the children there. The eyes will tell it all.
@Carol – the children especially, yes.
@tg – I agree. Big City Eyes can reflect how hard life is. Then again, for some of us, the Big City is exactly what we need to flourish.
@batticus – Poor Hugh, hmmm?
I am on record as saying that the smile is everything, but the eyes are the most important element in a smile, not to mention that they are the central expressive element in all acts of face to face communication. They truly are the window to the soul. I have both been repelled by and fallen in love with someone because of the coldness/deadness, or warmth, respectively, of eyes.
I am paraphrasing some due to not having the book readily at hand, but Daniel Goldman, the emotional intelligence researcher, has written on how people develop deep bonding based on the mutual eye responses which happen when two parties truly connect and see into each other.
My favorite color to connect with – deep, luscious brown (although that may be redundant…..)
Abraham Lincoln was said to have eyes you couldn’t lie to.