Kiss me, she coos, and so you do.
Kiss me, he whispers, and you inch closer.
Kiss me goodnight, our little ones squeal.
Kiss me goodbye, we ask of those we love.
How long has it been since you requested a kiss or responded to an inclination – with a peck, or a pinch of passion? Is your kissing reserved for love in its many variations, or purely when desire for fire comes knocking at your door?
Just how important is kissing in your life? Must any sexual encounter include the kiss in order to be worth your time? Is the kiss assumed, taken for granted, accepted and delivered out of habit? Do you save your kissing – even on the cheeks – for those you genuinely care for, or members of the family?
Are you a good kisser, a bad kisser, an aggressive kisser, a tentative kisser?
Are you a sexy, sensual, lustful lip-locker? (Is the content of this conversation an all-too-personal pucker-up shocker?)

Romance: The Kiss
Most of us recall the Sex and the City episodes that laud the power of the first kiss – not to mention plenty of chatter that those who are bad kissers make bad lovers. Remember Charlotte’s date who lapped her face and chewed on her chin???
I recall classic kissing scenes between Carrie and Aidan – their awkward first kiss after a delicious date, sexy scenes in her doorway as they kiss at great length, tender kisses when they part at various points in time.
Mr. Big seemed fond of kissing Carrie on the tip of her nose, as well as the eyelids. Then there was her dalliance with the pierce-tongued 20-something, whom she kissed all night as though it were an Olympic sport!
As the ladies reminded each other over and over, “if the kissing is good, the sex will be good.” Well, that’s not always true, but don’t most women judge a great deal by the quality of kissing? And when it stops, don’t we worry – rightfully – about the level of intimacy in the relationship?
How to Kiss
Do you remember your first kiss? Do you remember learning how to kiss? Ah, practicing in the prepubescent years, giggling with girlfriends as you try your hand at dabbing your mother’s lipstick on your mouth and puckering up, planting one on the mirror, wondering what lip lock was really like…
And perfecting the kiss? Is it possible – or another one of those manly-womanly arts that depends on whether or not you’re feeling inspired, admired, or overly tired? Does an enthusiastic partner encourage you to kiss more or less, or differently? Are you culturally inclined to find the kiss ardent or refined?
Fans of the French kiss with its exploratory enthusiasm may reserve that romantic road for the most torrid of tangle-ups. The Butterfly Kiss, with your lashes lightly brushing your loved one’s lids or cheeks? Perhaps it’s for the amorous adolescent in all of us.
In case you need to polish your technique – check out this kissing resource! How about How to French kiss, and note, its difficulty is deemed “easy.” Really? Some overdo it; others underdo it. Is it a matter of, well… personal taste?
Social Kissing, Pet Kissing, Wet Kissing
Having spent a great deal of time in Europe (eh oui – especially France), I’m accustomed to kissing on the cheeks when greeting friends – even acquaintances – depending on the circumstances. Sometimes it’s two kisses. Other times, three. I’m not much of an air kisser (sorry, Housewives of the BH), but I don’t mind the exchange of bises (greeting kisses), which tend to please.
Of course, there’s also kissing the nose and toes when it comes to our little ones, cheeks and foreheads and top of the head as they grow. And oh! Such sorrow when they reach adolescence and those kid kisses are rare indeed, and we’re so in need of the occasional show of familial affection!
Naturally, we cuddle and kiss our kiddos, but don’t we also love our pets? Do you smooch with your pooch? Do you love it when Spot or Tabby plants a wet one across your face?
Affection Connection
Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day, but you don’t need to have a romantic honey to enjoy the day in the spirit of sharing. You can hug your child, call a dear friend, offer a kindness to a stranger.
You can focus on your mate – really focus – by giving him or her some of you in the ways that matter.
No, I’m not a believer in giving yourself away, but I am convinced that life is richer with affection an integral part of our play. And if not the touch of a hand or even the brush of a friendly kiss, then at least a smile to brighten the day.
Ear Kissing?
Any areas that are off-limits in the romantic kissing arena? I’m not a proponent of navel diving, myself. Seriously? Is there a point to that?
Nor am I a fan of tongue-in-ear entertainments, which I’ve previously made clear. But that leaves many other regions to cheerfully explore when it comes to the one I adore, and likewise, feeling adored if I whisper: Kiss me.
Care to share your stories of a first kiss, or offer tips to do with the locking of lips?
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My first kiss was with a dork. Truly.
But my second? It was with my boyfriend who I married 4 years later. I like to call that kiss my first real kiss. And even now, when life (and low libido) gets in the way, there is nothing more romantic than a kiss from the man who stole my young heart, and continues to take my breath away.
Love your comment, Amber! Hope you and Ben are enjoying your evening, even with little ones about, low libido, and all else…
How appropriate for Valentine’s Day. I enjoyed the author’s covering of this most sensual and intimate of romantic expressions between two people. There are many flavours with many nuances and I will remember the author’s caveat about this oral form of romance in its aural form. What looks good on paper doesn’t always turn out well in reality.
Ma chère Mademoiselle Loup. Je tiens toujours à vos mots comme à la prunelle de mes yeux.
OHMYGOD vous me faites rire, Monsieur Belle!
And a delightful and ear-nest wish to you for a Happy V Day evening.
My first kiss was during the 1992 presidential debates. All I remember is listening to Ross Perot talk and wondering how far this boy was really going to shove his tongue down my throat. Ick! But, thankfully, practice makes perfect. 😉
And I love the cheek-kiss greeting and goodbye that Europeans do. It will take me a while to break the habit once I’m back in the States. Sigh. It’s so much more intimate than a handshake or a hug.
I loved this. Thanks for the reference on French kissing.! Who knew?
One of the best ways of telling if you’re in love is if you can share a toothbrush.
I know, right? 😉
Kissing, slowly, wetly, for daze and daze… Ah yes.
Go find Suzy – now! 🙂
Think I didn’t? 😉