I wanted to be a dancer, an artist, a fashion designer.
More than anything, I aspired to become a writer.
I imagined that I might try on each of these roles and perhaps even simultaneously. When I was young, like the rest of us, I wove my futures from child-like fabric without knowledge of complexities, responsibilities, or obstacles.
These days?
My reality is something else. It’s called adulthood, responsibilities, challenges. Naturally.
Vacation Getaway? Lifestyle Change?
If I had a glorious voice, I’d choose to sing (and not in the shower). If I had an extraordinary figure, I’d pose as an artist’s model (well, now and then). If I had the stamina, I would teach – something.
If I had the bucks, I’d return to college to study more languages, literature, art, and philosophy. And I’d be certain to secure sand and surf as part of core curriculum.
Yes, curriculum. Balzac beautifies beach living! Confucius concocts coconut cuisine! (Sound effects for the hooves of horses in haste? History of the World à la Monty Python?)
What would you become?
I’m seduced by cities, but inspired by islands.
Bonjour Tristesse? Definitely not. Out out, spotted sadness! Though I’m all for Jean Sea-berg, Bonsoir Bali is more likely.
And I would write, and read. And read, and write.
Your fantasy jobs?
Your fantasy jobs? Your ideal locations?
- Tour with a jazz band?
- Open a restaurant?
- Move to Venice?
- Market your invention?
- Build schools in the inner city?
- Buy your own island or simply retire to one?
- Dance with a loved one whenever you wanted?
No youthful yearning too small. No fantasy too foolish!
Or might it be as simple as staying home and being exactly who you are, with the occasional hour alone in a soaking tub?

I doubt that I want another ‘job’; I’ve belonged to myself for several years now and don’t see me submitting to that again if I can help it. Since I’m pretty good at being frugal and have saved for an early retirement – all things going well – I shouldn’t have to. But if we set aside the word ‘job’, I would like to be able to sew and craft well enough to make something people would like to buy. Heck, I’d be happy if I could sew well enough that I was happy to wear what I made. I can sew a little, but I find practicing those skills quite hard. It’s easier to write my blog (which I write for the pleasure, not the money…as if…) or to read. Still, I find a few other ways to scratch the creative itch: cooking, gift wrapping. Is making lists a creative skill? If so, I could list for England, as they say over here. I was a dancer when I was young – as in I took dance lessons from 3-16 and kept dancing at every opportunity until maybe about 10 years ago. My uncle Bernard was a choreographer and because of his work and attending Dance Master Conferences I saw what gruelling work dancing for a living would be. I’m far to lazy for that!
I would like to travel more, to spend summers in a warm place. The north of England is a lovely place to live, but it’s not warm, particularly not here at the beach. I would say I’d like to learn French or Italian, but you know what one of the problems of being retired is? You have plenty of time, so a very important excuse disappears…
Scratching the creative itch. Lovely way to put it, Shelley. And it sounds like you have many activities and interests to pursue. A delightful list. (No more dancing?)
The one thing that comes to mind is this: open a “pub and grub” type of place. A place for people to congregate, enjoy a drink and eat. I don’t think I would necessarily cook the food, but pour the drinks, I could do that!
I’m seduced by cities, but inspired by islands. I love that line, but invert it for me. 🙂 When I was young, I had aspirations of becoming a creative director for a wildly creative ad agency or design studio. But moving around with Entrepreneur’s job didn’t allow for much upward mobility in my career. Looking forward now, all I really want is to retire! And when I say retire, what I really mean is not being tied to an 8-5 job. If benefits were not important, freelance design work will always be my perfect job. Freelancing design on an island would be divine.