About Daily Plate of Crazy
Founded in 2009, Daily Plate of Crazy ™ is the love child of D.A. Wolf, who missed her newspaper days as an art reviewer. Although busy juggling freelance writing and raising two boys, she was hungry for more hands-on involvement in social media, and Daily Plate of Crazy ™ was born.
It began as an adventure in blogging — never intended to chronicle the details of her days, but rather to use life experience as a means to experiment as a writer — to question, play, poke, provoke, enthuse and entertain.
With posts, columns and essays featuring lively discussion on contemporary relationships, parenting, society, careers, the arts, life’s “big questions” and more — Daily Plate of Crazy ™ seeks to present quality writing and engaging views culled from real world experience.
About D.A. Wolf
D. A. Wolf is a writer, editor, and marketer. She holds a B.A. in French and Russian from Wellesley College and an M.B.A. in Marketing from the Wharton School. She has lived and worked up and down the East Coast and in Paris, traveled back and forth between the U.S. and Europe for more decades than she cares to mention, and has spent the past 10+ years as an independent marketing consultant, freelance writer, and editor, successfully delivering on a variety of projects for business, education, and the arts. Learn more about her professional services here.
D.A.’s print publication credits include ARTnews, Raw Vision, France Magazine and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, with online contributions at Forbes.com, The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Purple Clover, Divorced Moms, Divorce Whirlwind, and elsewhere. She has appeared on Huff Post Live (2013) addressing women’s issues and on Fox News New York (2015) commenting on gray divorce.
See more by D.A. Wolf around the web here.
Also known as “Big Little Wolf,” you may follow her on Instagram @dailyplateofcrazy and “like” Daily Plate of Crazy on Facebook, where your comments and conversation are always welcome.
D.A. Wolf (Big Little Wolf) en français
D.A. Wolf (Big Little Wolf) est journaliste freelance, rédactrice, maman, collectionneur d’art contemporain, polyglotte, voyageur, et amatrice de belles chaussures (et lingerie française). Elle est passionnée par l’art contemporain et l’art moderne, par les images et les mots, et par les contradictions qui nous inspirent.
Veuillez la suivre @BigLittleWolf.
Note: Photo images are purchased via BigStockPhoto, used with attribution via Flickr, acquired via other sources and attributed according to CC licenses, my images, or in public domain. Every effort is made to properly attribute as needed. If you see images that you believe are not correctly attributed or that you believe are yours and should be removed, please contact D. A. Wolf at BLW @ dailyplateofcrazy.com.
© D. A. Wolf 2009-2025 | … Daily Plate of Crazy | All Rights Reserved

[…] indeed. An exquisite writer and thinker. On her brilliant blog Daily Plate of Crazy, she goes by Big Little Wolf. In the past week, she passed along the Sugar Doll award to me and two of my absolute favorite […]