‘Twas the morn before Christmas
And all through the house
Teens were still sleeping,
No signs they might grouse
When asked to participate
In picking up
Trails of their messes –
The odd glass or cup
Left on the couch,
On the floor, on the table –
(Why can’t they walk to the sink –
Aren’t they able?)
You look out the window,
You note the good weather,
You glance round the room
(And are pleased there’s no pleather)
The gifts are all wrapped,
Tucked under the tree,
Silly teen toys
To bring laughter and glee!
The day will unfold
With much baking ahead
(I guess that will mean
I must climb out of bed)
And then we will hope
That by later today
Teens and their friends
In and out for teen play
Will blare their kid music
And make more kid messes
‘Cuz frankly that eases
My holiday stresses
Since holidays home
When boy-o’s are here
Is anything goes
And that fills me with cheer!
I wish you good wrapping
Good baking and playing
And leave you with this
Just a wee woman saying
However you spend
Your end of week feting
I hope you’ll dispense with
The worries and fretting
Embrace the blue sky
And the chaotic fray –
Merry HO HO to you
And to all a great day!

Merry Christmas to you too D!
You, too, Steve!
Happy Holidays BLW! Loved this. Those baked goods sound scrumptious. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and yours. Your posts are thought-provoking and your prose eloquent. I am grateful to be able to connect with you. Thanks so much. xoxo
Likewise, Rudri! 🙂
Happy holidays — and may there be more to wax poetic about through the remainder of the season 🙂
You, too, CT – et prends soin de toi, d’accord? Happy holidays!
Wishing you good wrapping and good baking, too! Merry Christmas to you and your boys. Enjoy having them both home and under your loving wing again, even if only for a little while.
Thanks, Stacia. Have a fabulous holiday with your beautiful family!
I love it! I absolutely adored the original version of that poem when I was a wee lass and I’m enjoying it all over again now that my boys are enough to appreciate it.
Do your boys appreciate that they have a genuine poetess as a mom – not to mention baker, butcher, candlestick maker, and all-around superwoman? 🙂 Enjoy them and the day!
Kristen you do make me smile… I retired my Superwoman cape ages ago (but not the nifty fur-trimmed mules that went with it). Now I manage with rhyme crimes and sometimes pecan pies for my young guys! (Jeez, I forgot to make some candlesticks for the holidays…)
Happy happy and merry merry to you and yours! 🙂
Fabulous! I hope your Christmas day was jolly filled with laughters and silliness. 🙂 Enjoy your kids home!