The Bard would not be happy with my verse; this mother’s tale… believe me, could be worse.
Plan A, Plan B, Plan C… Plan “Me?”
Planning, spontaneity, and rolling with the punches. (If we can.)
Men Are Different. (I Know, Right?)
So many differences… So much to learn…
10 Life Lessons From a Solo Divorcee
Life lessons on loss and relationships after divorce.
How to Cope With Frustration
Coping strategies when everyday frustrations mount…
On the Pleasure of the Magazine
For the love of the magazine…
The Case for Consideration
Quiet conversations, that remind us what we’ve built.
50 Years Old and Starting Over. Where to Begin?
Starting over at 50… Now what?
Late to the Party
Fashionably late. Thumbs up or thumbs down?
The pleasure of his company… with or without dirty socks.