A chance encounter is a reminder of the beauty of aging gracefully.
Break Out the Blankets!
Cold weather? It gets me thinking about all sorts of… um… activities!
Stubborn Dove
The coo and flutter of a misguided mourning dove spark recollections and reminders.
A fan of fact-free fictionalizing in your public discourse? Pas moi. And a little propriety, please.
Kindness Abounds. It’s Powerful Stuff.
Small acts, big impact.
My Little Plant, as Metaphor
What we love and nurture.
Some Days, I Fight Myself. I StruggIe. I Self-Sabotage.
Oh, those bad days…
Do beginnings set the stage for everything to come?
Pillow Talk
Doris Day’s passing at age 97 gets me thinking of Pillow Talk…
One of Those Days… and Quiche… and Shoes
You know those days when – oddly – you have the blues? Which would help… a good meal or designer shoes?