10 Things you never knew about me… (What don’t I know about you?)
Amante à Paris ou « Maman t’as pas ri ! » (La vie est une saloperie !)
Amante à Paris ou « Maman t’as pas ri ! » (La vie est une saloperie !) version anglaise / English version / © D A Wolf Hier soir, j’ai reçu un coup de fil sur mon portable – le numéro, je ne l’ai pas reconnu. Mais le pays, si – 33. Et moi, aux […]
Family photos reveal changing dynamics
He was walking out the door with a red silk tie bound around his forehead, as his curls poked out from under a baseball cap and a brightly colored beanie – complete with propeller. As for the rest of him – let’s just say – I burst out laughing and reached for my nearby camera. […]
Hard dates, soft dates, and other such matters…
There are hard dates, soft dates, and other such matters. Okay, okay – I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I do love to play with words. Isn’t wordplay a most delicious part of foreplay? Don’t you appreciate a double entendre now and then, or even occasionally, a… triple? Well then. Let’s look at the […]
Mad Men, Baudelaire, and the Beatles
It’s Mad Men night! I do so love my Mad Men. What’s not to love? They’re gorgeous, glamorous, mysterious, and the psychological waters are darkening, pulling us in and under. But I watch for other reasons – probably like many viewers. I watch for the aura of the 1960s, either as we imagine it, or […]
Then and now: the moon, the towers, a balcony
The moon. July 20, 1969. We’re huddled around a small black and white t.v., waiting for that first step onto the lunar surface. For these moments, the whole family, together. Silent. I want to sleep. I need to stay awake for this impossible thing, this man who will stand on the moon, this dream of […]
Strange notes; no visible thread
No visible thread, no thread we recognize; only these strange notes, this scent, this cloud of color, this reminiscent taste. Yes, the sensation of relief. Yesterday, walking… and reminders I wondered once what I would remember and what I would forget. Yesterday, walking. Yesterday, restless. Yesterday, too much to do, my first born in the […]
More real than celebrity. A friend’s passing.
First Ed McMahon, then Farrah Fawcett, and then Michael Jackson. Each celebrity death, eclipsing the next, with the media storm over Jackson taking on a life of its own. As we knew it would. Yes, each of these three celebrities contributed to their industries in significant ways, impacted lives and memories of different generations, and […]