No visible thread, no thread we recognize; only these strange notes, this scent, this cloud of color, this reminiscent taste. Yes, the sensation of relief. Yesterday, walking… and reminders I wondered once what I would remember and what I would forget. Yesterday, walking. Yesterday, restless. Yesterday, too much to do, my first born in the […]
Sex Sells
We know it works. Sex sells.
Nek Chand’s Mosaic People, Meg Ryan’s Hair
I am wandering a darkened hallway. Somewhere, the sun is rising. I know it is morning, but the arches and carved stone go on and on like this interminable day of subways and airport shuttles, staring at tracks and walls that begin to tighten around me, more suffocating with each passing minute, the train, now, […]
Mark Sanford: French Kiss Meets Last Tango in Foreign Affair Snafu
One last dance around the political floor for South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford? Affairs of the heart, not always so smart.
French dog high on dope, recovering nicely after rampant case of munchies
“Chien plane complètement… les yeux vitreux… après avoir dévoré du cannabis,” selon son propriétaire. “Dog completely stoned… eyes glazed over… after devouring cannabis,” according to his owner. These were the headlines that greeted me when I opened my home page this morning. Yes, a French home page. And why not? If I can’t have a […]