The pleasures of an unplanned afternoon.
The Softer Side of Social (Media)
Social media, softly.
Does Talking About Our Problems Really Help?
Is talking enough to help?
Life’s Little Luxuries
Little luxuries. What we consider “luxurious” may reveal who we are.
Perks, Praise and Pay: Why Money Talks
Perks and praise are nice, but money matters more.
College Kids… Calling Home
The importance of college kids and parents, keeping in touch.
Stay-At-Home-Dad Looking for a New Job?
SAHDs face job challenges, just like SAHMs.
Childcare Expenses Don’t Stop at Age 5
The expense of raising children can be staggering.
Lights, Coffee, Quiet
Holidays, past and present.
Bean Town
How we spend = what we value. And apparently, by region.