Life sucks. We know. I’m tired of reading bad news. Enough already. Do you hear that New York Times? Wall Street Journal? MSNBC? We get it. This guy? No one looks like this guy. Not on my planet. Hell – I’ve got a laptop in my bed, not some hunka-hunka-sweet-faced manhood with pouty lips and […]
Fortune cookies (and the pursuit of happiness)
You always bring others happiness. That was the message when I cracked open the cookie and read the fortune on the skinny slip of paper. Dessert, following Chinese take-out. Well. I suppose I made the restaurant happy when I purchased lunch for three. Does that count? Routines – ho hum Can’t say there’s been much […]
Loving X Two: In Love With Multiple People
Have you loved more than one person at the same time? I suppose I should make a distinction between “in love” and “loving,” but is that necessary, really, if the net effect is the same? When you’re involved with multiple people, you’ve got double the pleasure. Maybe. You certainly have double the trouble. And then […]
Telling commentary – erotic literature, art nudes
What are you reading, Part Deux! I’m enjoying a variety of books this summer, and my reading habits include juicy art texts with sensual images from mid-century surrealists to modern and contemporary portraiture, along with a photography reference I’m anxious to crack open. It promises to be an interesting read, and again – filled with […]
Yellow shirts. Red wine. Squirrels on the roof.
Billboard from IKEA. Clouds like cobblestones against an inky sky. A train passes; we pick up speed, underground again, lights reflecting against windows. So few people. Behind me now. I feel him behind me now. It’s late. White shirts, blank faces, no babies or commuters. More white shirts. Good, I think he’s leaving. My black […]
Strange notes; no visible thread
No visible thread, no thread we recognize; only these strange notes, this scent, this cloud of color, this reminiscent taste. Yes, the sensation of relief. Yesterday, walking… and reminders I wondered once what I would remember and what I would forget. Yesterday, walking. Yesterday, restless. Yesterday, too much to do, my first born in the […]
You CAN fight city hall: in praise of public servants
Mad as hell Remember the scene in Network, with Peter Finch yelling “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore?” That was me, yesterday, railing over meter madness and an undeserved parking ticket, determined to “fight city hall,” despite the odds. Guess what – it worked! (If you didn’t read this morning’s […]
Second Chances
“I didn’t think there were second chances. Not really,” he said to me on the phone. It was a friend I hadn’t talked to in some time. He sounded happy. He’d been through a lot in recent years – divorce, layoff, financial problems. And after five years, at the age of 50, he’d met someone […]
Fly in the Ointment for Flying Bus?
I do love my daily dose of international internet news… France-Soir and The Telegraph are reporting on Ryanair, the low-cost Irish airline, and its recent service-slashing proposals that would really put the bus into Airbus! Are you ready to climb aboard, fasten your belt, but without seat backs in the upright position? Why? Because there […]
Cruise Control
It’s drizzling, and still only half light, 6:00 a.m. I need to shower and dress, to drink the first cup of coffee. Dreams are drifting in and out: old friends, improbable scenarios, places I’ve never seen that are vaguely European. The dog is sleeping, stretched on the floor next to my bed. I hear her […]