Parenting after divorce. So many questions.
Looking Ahead to Goodbye
The realization that we are sending our kids off to college. Saying our goodbyes, tenderly.
When parenting requires the backbone to say no.
Two Words: Never Assume
Two words of advice, especially if divorcing: Never assume.
Motherhood. Damned If You Do. Damned If You Don’t.
That Mothering Job. Not so simple…
Baby Bump? Try Budget Bummer!
I know several women who have recently given birth, and others who are expecting babies. I couldn’t be more delighted for them. In each case, they are mothers (already), and devoted ones at that. Babies are always happy news. Giving life is an incredible experience, and parenting – filled with wonder. But the realities of […]
Single Parent? Mommy Track? No Spring Chicken?
The mommy track trap, especially for older (single) moms.
Report Card
It’s approaching the end of the school year, and as my son prepares for a variety of exams and final papers, I think about the report card. Not his. Mine. As he continues his last push toward graduation, I find myself wondering what sort of marks I would receive as his parent. Of course, I […]
Role Reversal
There’s little question that if you ask me what my job is, I’ll answer “parent.” That doesn’t preclude the fact that I am a writer, and many other things; that my professional endeavors predated my maternal duties by more than a decade. But my primary job these days – as it has been for years […]
Numbers Do Not Lie
We’d been at it for several hours, side by side, each of us on our laptops. Spread on the small ottoman pressing against my knees were stacks of old tax forms. On the chair beside me, two more folders with notes and figures. We actually began the process days ago, but I couldn’t continue, and […]