Is it human nature to believe that we can rebuild, even from devastation? I thought of this last evening, of the myth of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. I was watching the season finale of Mad Men, as the main character’s life seems to slip through his fingers – his marriage, his illusions about […]
Squirrels in the attic. Losing my marbles?
I’m hearing noises. No kidding. Scary noises. It’s not quite dark and though it’s breezy, branches scratching against the windows, these are other noises. Scrambling, scurrying, creature noises, overhead. And I’ve been hearing these sounds for about two weeks. Now let’s face facts – while I don’t drink absinthe (which may scramble anyone’s sense of […]
Halloween hell: Hershey's in the pantry
Yep. It’s driving me crazy. That big bag, well, huge actually. Purchased 24 hours ago, and still unopened in the pantry. But I know it’s there. And it’s killing me. Yes indeed – we stand on the brink of another great American candy holiday – every figure-watching, chocolate-addicted woman’s nightmare! (And I do allow for […]
Tattoo Follow-up: Pro Piercing?
Somehow in my mind, tattoos and piercings are linked. And the tattoo talk has been so interesting! Plenty of celebrities have jumped on the tattooing and piercing bandwagon. So how about some follow-up questions to those who indulge or enjoy this practice? Tattoo and piercing link? I would love to know: Those of you who […]
Bad news, a martini, a moment
The voice startled him. “I have bad news,” he said. This, in the wake of the recent loss of his sister, and a friend, and another battling a life-threatening illness. He must have felt his entire body stiffen at those words, though they were uttered by a waiter in a family restaurant, on the first […]
Tattoos – Hot or Not?
The trend in tattoos has been in full swing for some time now. And the topic of tattooed mamas (and tattooed ta-tas) has come up lately in the neighborhood of several blogs I frequent. I’ve had a bug up my you-know-what over this for years. Can someone explain the appeal to me? I don’t understand […]
Ode to Pseudonymphomania A plethora of pseudonyms can serve a woman well… (Do you think the apple man was really William Tell?) Indeed, a breezy morn and not one lover round the place, a woman might a name or two decide she should embrace… So many meanings – dare I say, so little time to […]
Everyone has an agenda. But gimme a break!
I’m rushing to get out of the house. My kid forgot his tennis shoes. Again. He needs them for school, and he needs them now. I’m mid-screen, mid-writing, mid-hair drying, mid-bill paying. And now the damn house phone rings, then my cell phone. It’s someone I know – not well – who wants something from […]
Good News Extravaganza (Bad News Moratorium)
Life sucks. We know. I’m tired of reading bad news. Enough already. Do you hear that New York Times? Wall Street Journal? MSNBC? We get it. This guy? No one looks like this guy. Not on my planet. Hell – I’ve got a laptop in my bed, not some hunka-hunka-sweet-faced manhood with pouty lips and […]
I love ALLTOP, but…
Quick post. I love – I find it incredibly useful to get to top blogs in an organized fashion. And as a user of blogs in two languages, professionally and personally – I think is a tremendous time saver and a very usable resource. My issue I enjoy reading the DAD blogs – […]