Flirtation is not necessarily a prelude to sex. But how far is too far?
Post-divorce single parent: work or shirk… date and mate… Ah, trade-offs.
It Bears Repeating: Say Yes, And Keep Saying Yes
Dating dilemmas, dating solutions.
False Front on the Sexual Front?
The fine line between sexing it up and false advertising.
Dating. Sort Of.
Dating after divorce… “older”…
Bien dans sa peau, bien dans sa tête. . .
The French approach to amour, or at least the dating scene? Feel good about yourself first.
Aging Out or Giving Up?
The dating-go-round. Maybe we just age out…
What Do You REALLY Want in a Relationship?
Knowing what you want is key to getting it. Especially in love.
Page 19
Telling a story, and turning a page.
Kids Use Condoms, But Adults Don’t?
Are you single? Sexually active? Do you assume your partner or partners are healthy? Bad call. Disease isn’t personal. It isn’t judgmental. It doesn’t know if you attend church, if you brush your teeth and floss. If you’ve only had two sexual partners in a lifetime, or 302. What about your teenagers? Do they use […]