Macy’s, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue. Pier 1, World Market, Target. Bergdorf’s, Bloomingdales, Belks. These seductive sources of seasonal sales represent a small sliver of the (onslaught of) emails that I receive not just daily, but I swear… hourly. At least, it’s my impression that the ads are coming hourly. Help!!!

Although I’m a fan of online holiday shopping — and I recognize that the sheer constancy of messaging is wildly effective — enough already!
There were pre-Black Friday sales, Black Friday weekend sales, Cyber Monday sales, then Cyber Week, now “friends and family” or any number of other variations of promotional particulars that are filling my virtual mailboxes as fast as I can (attempt to) empty them.
I say again: enough already!
Sure, I love the deals to be had this time of year, don’t you? And I’ve already nabbed a few fabulous finds for my kiddos and a few items that I’ve trolled for months (for my post-move, new-space self). Yup, I’m patient enough to follow prices and check, check back, and keep checking until I can secure what I want at a deep discount. (Thank you,, for my lovely lamp I lusted after, at long last affordable!)
I will also confess to scoring a glorious pair of shoes that fit like a dream at 80% off! Yes, an email encouraged me to trek to a mall and sigh (happily hyperventilate?) my way through the stilettos and slides and boots and booties, and to ultimately slip my feet into a pair of captivating Calvin Kleins.
Shoe shopping, while now an infrequent indulgence compared to a few years back, remains a recreational activity for yours truly. Therapy. What can I say? Still, despite my (formerly feverish?) fondness for footwear, I have been purposefully practical in my purchasing these past weeks. Um… other than the indulgence heels I just mentioned and a beautiful burgundy sweater on sale. (I have been neglecting all aspects of my own personal style — a topic for another day — and needed a sweater to hide the Thanksgiving transgressions.)
The fact is, I have primarily contented myself with nailing necessities. Dull, dull, dull, I know, but so it goes. (There’s nothing sexy about storage bins for my new digs or space-saving hanging shelves for my closet.) What else? Can I complain that shopping for twentysomething sons is waaaaaay more challenging than choosing chachkes for little boys? (Pokemon cards and Legos were so much easier. Hey millennial men! What do you like to get as gifts?)
Happily — at this point, I’m pretty much done… with one exception. Yes indeed. Something special for my boy-o’s. (Who knew that choosing mustache wax on Amazon was so complicated?!?)
And… I simply don’t care to be tempted by anything else that flashes in front of my eyes when I need to legitimately check my mail which seems to be flooded with literally hundreds of ads a day.
Now, I won’t allow this annoyance to dampen my holiday spirit, and I wouldn’t mind contemplating being on the receiving end of a dreamy surprise from Saint Nick (no, not more shoes, thanks). But I’m curious. Am I the only one who feels bombarded by email ad campaigns this year? Is it my imagination or is it more unrelenting than ever before? And are you as susceptible to seasonal sales as I am, and then irritated by their invasiveness?
Et malgré ce que je viens de préciser au sujet de chaussures, je ne dirais pas non à Christian Louboutin… et peut-être So Kate à 70 ou 90mm et pointure 36.5 ?
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I’m boycotting it all and focusing on homemade gifts and experiences. We all have too much stuff. And I’m tired of all the hype about various sales–it makes me think I need things when I absolutely do not.
Yup. I hear you on your approach.
Taste of France and D.A., Ha! I changed my mind to boycott with you Taste of France!!
For the third time I tried to set a scheduled time with the millennial friend to personally deliver the dog bed and have a short visit for the pup and her new family to enjoy the experience of kindness in giving, but our life schedules are once again a-miss. Ho-hum.
I wanted to offer more kindness to one of my 22yo male millennial friend that I volunteered to do the search and selecting for a puppy of a special breed he wanted for him and his girlfriend this past August. Recently I text if I might purchase a kennel for them as a holiday gift. He replied back with a current photo of the puppy saying that she had an extra large kennel, but she could use a new bed because she out grew hers already and she wants me to come visit them!
So yes, I agree. More kindness and about the experiences rather than stuff at a store discount!
I get too many unknown phone calls that don’t leave a voicemail message; missed call because I don’t answer or hit decline. I don’t get email overload ads like you, D.A. If I did, I would click unsubscribe to eliminate the anxiety noise.
YOU DO IT…….if you can FIND it but YOU still RECEIVE!
I do NOT give out my email address anymore to any store or catalog order!THAT has helped BIG TIME with the ADS!
I absolutely agree, La Contessa!?