Planning anything egg-ceptional for the weekend? Perhaps an enticing engagement with an enterprisingly endearing good guy… or girl? A more-audacious-than-coffee-connection eggs-cursion into eggs-traordinary entertainments?
When I find myself contemplating a weekend of socializing, the activities on the menu are likely to invoke all manner of eggs-istential, eggs-asperating and one might hope, eggs-uberant eggs-pressions!
Although, I do wonder from time to time if I am, in fact, egg-spiration dating… as in aging out of the meet-and-greet treat of novel eggs-periences in the world of eggs-change that occurs when Boy meets Girl, or vice versa.
I have only to think of the variety of grimaces, winks, and hijinks, not to mention glazed-over glances, lascivious leers, and inopportune openers that I have been privy to in my once-upon-a-time date night (or day) adventures. Likewise, no doubt my (rusty) ramblings when sitting across a table from a new acquaintance present as an egg-ccentric eggs-terior (or interior), especially if I’m nervous or tired.
Eggs-tremely common, no?
Aren’t we all a smidge worried about our cracks and fissures? Aren’t we all vulnerable beneath our brave masks? Wouldn’t we rather be nestled snugly in a basket among friends, safely hiding behind cool shades? Yet wouldn’t the world be tiny and uninteresting if we didn’t venture out beyond our comfort zones?
Ah… I’m recalling one of my more legendary date nights long ago… My uniform: a little black skirt, little black top, lightweight jacket… proper, but also properly fitting for the favored footwear of my delight and daring… heels, naturally.
However, before I could meet my date, an older gentleman approached and… eggs-tremely uneggs-pected behavior ensued as he began to rattle on about a history of JFK he was writing, and the importance of his being breastfed!
(Scout’s honor. It’s true.)
I eggs-tricated myself from the situation as best I could, as fast as I could, and as politely as I could, of course.
More recent eggs-amples of encounters in the ether?
Some… not eggs-actly eggs-emplary. And others, eggs-cellent! New friends of all sorts are always an egg-ceptional gift and a scrumptious surprise.
That aging out thought?
Nope. Don’t think so! I am not accepting that we must feel compelled to shut the doors to a rich diversity of eggs-perience. Adventures are options for all our todays and tomorrows, don’t you think? And we never know what enchantments await. Or, at the very least, great stories in this perpetual eggs-periment we call life.
That is… if and when we step out from behind our devices to egg-sploit our other, well… devices… of human and personal communication, all in the service of true connection.
Can I pull one more egg-stra special rabbit out of my hat?
Cute, isn’t he?
So hop to it! Get off the island! No eggs-cuses! Get outside or invite friends and family in. Share some laughter. Eat some chocolate. And smile at the next good egg that rolls eggs-citedly into your path.
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Wonderful advice…too little time left on the clock to waste this precious life!
Yes! Enjoy your weekend Angela.