A wee bit of rhyming
From Thanksgivings past?
Isn’t our nonsense
Sometimes made to last?
Since holiday cooking
Is rarely so fast…
Some servings of shoes
To spice up your repast?
Why not enjoy
This revisit of versing
With high heels and food flair
And surely no cursing!
I trust you are basting
And stirring and talking…
(Later I know you’ll be
Eating then walking.)
So this is my quickie
“Merci” to you all
Who stop by to read
When the Real World may call.
Please know that I’m grateful
For friends made this way…
Embrace all your loved ones,
And have fun today!
Thanksgiving Turkey With Side Rhmes of Quirky
I’d love to imagine Thanksgiving a breeze,
No stresses, no messes, just fun if you please,
Turkey and fixings filled high on the platter –
Recettes sauvages that will not make us fatter!
Great food and kind spirits (guests will not rebel),
All feeling comfy and cozy and swell,
Hours of laughter and hearty good times,
Veggies and bird, and bien sûr – silly rhymes.
These days I care less about rules and convention –
That, may I heretofore wickedly mention
Surely includes both my style and my friends,
How we fete holidays, with odds and ends.
General attitude toward all things wacky?
I say rejoice even in ticky tacky!
Embark on a menu, even if quirky,
With or without the traditional turkey.
Must I now specify there will be shoes?
Knowing my habits, is that in fact news?
Likely quick changes throughout the day’s meal
Slingbacks to peep-toes to boots with high heel.
Surely fave pumps will make an appearance
(Natch I bought ALL on very deep clearance!)
You can be certain that there will be red…
(Footwear AND apron, let it be said).
The slogan emblazoned across apron chest?
“Will cook for shoes!” Ain’t that the best!?!
Now what might I make that would justify leopard?
Side of meat pie we might call “A La Shepherd?”
Food-wise I’ll tell you what’s now in the plans –
(Anything burns? Deemed “also rans.”)
Semi-French flavors appear with new twists,
Varying recipes always uplifts.
Perhaps a Québecois menu’s in store
(Well, not exactly; Poutine? There’s the door!)
First to the table, healthy and creamy,
Tenderly spiced and totally dreamy,
Squash soup – courge jaune – gorgeously hued,
Healthy and filling to feed a wild brood,
Onion soup next will be served with the starters
(Suede boots to match, but no nifty garters) –
Spinach with garlic sauteed to perfection
Seasoned and reasoned, a fine vedge selection!
Apples and grapes and nuts, natch, in side stuffing
Purple or taupe peep-toe pumps? (I’m not bluffing!)
Must not forget rosemary and thyme,
Simon and Garfunkel deem them sublime!
Yes pommes de terres – red and delish,
And glorious yams, baked in a dish…
And if no turkey just for a change?
How ’bout some chicken (or coq) that’s free-range?
Fall Harvest Salad to which I add kale,
May I insist this dark leaf cannot fail?
All will be happily eating and drinking
Chilean wine would be good, I am thinking…
As for the prep, I’m grateful it’s done,
Mostly it’s poking and timing and fun!
Footwear to dine in? Sparkly abounds!
Complaints while I’m stirring? Tap-tapping sounds?
Nix on complaining; I love social cooking,
Especially when chausssures are so sexy looking,
And sorties enfins – at last an occasion
To wear my cute shoes is pure recreation!
My tasks are assigned – and no need for basting,
Mincing and salting (eh oui – some wine tasting).
There will be sweet pecan pie for dessert;
Fruit as accompaniment makes me feel pert!
Naturellement, espresso is served,
(If only those evening shoes might be deserved…)
No doubt by nightfall the heels will be scattered,
All will be smiling; happy’s what mattered,
Guests will be sated (me too, I am guessing) –
Once done for the night, no more tootsie dressing.
Footwear aside, for what am I grateful?
More than the food (too many a plateful)…
Sons who are healthy and wonderful friends,
All who sustain me through life’s twists and bends.
So breakfast next morning. Muffins and jam?
Or would you prefer to eat green eggs and ham?
No dyes to turn yellow yokes emerald in hue?
Better to seek out a colorful shoe!
Stilettos and booties and stacked heels, no go?
Why not these style tips to show?
Or if you like, go with this flow…
Glam up your makeup for holiday glow!
Oh right… The cooking! The tasting! The drinking!
I really must toddle… What was I thinking!?!
Click shoe images to access originals at Bloomingdales and Nordstrom.
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I don’t know about anybody else but,………most of the time when I read something that this talented lady writes, it tends to put a little smile on my face and brightens up my day a bit. It’s as if no matter what she faces on any given day, she is not going to let anything interfere with her God given cheerful disposition which is so comforting and enjoyable to others.
“Happy Thanksgiving” D.A., You are a special lady!