This is what I have given myself for years when I could: a few minutes alone by the tree, its white lights on; whatever gifts there were, wrapped; the aroma of fresh fir and nearby, oranges and cloves; café au lait in a large cup used only one day a year and just for me; perhaps, if I am very lucky (and up early enough), a book.
My thoughts: whatever unforeseen challenges or happy chaos to deal with as the day unfolds, I will have these minutes, content for the quiet as long as it lasts.
To find a space for inner quiet is never easy; worries circulate too freely.
To still the hands that fuss with a child’s hair or tie his laces or stroke his brow when he is scared, hands that cook and wash and instruct, the heart that holds its burdens and its joys as a vessel that will not allow either to spill over – these are our sorrows, and more rightly, our gifts.
As a mother, to take time for ourselves is a habit we lose albeit with love, a habit we search for again as the years pass, a habit we may recover and should, without regret.
These are my morning moments as day brightens, before waking boys if they aren’t already up and at the task of staring hungrily at small, silly presents placed beneath the tree; before peeling potatoes and seasoning stuffing and basting turkey while watching the clock; before yielding to the wishes of children now men, smiling over what they have come to expect: chocolate, a slinky, warm socks, a striped sweater.
But for now, just this, for me, which I share with you. Lights, coffee, quiet.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful, peaceful day.
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Merry Christmas Wolfie, a nice blog post (he said sipping his cup o’ joe while petting sweet dawglie at his feet).
Merry Xmas to you, too, Gandalfe! Enjoy your coffee!
Merry Merry to you and yours.
Happy Holidays, Wolf. xo
A belated Merry Christmas to you! For me that moment is with a glass of wine on Christmas Eve before the cooking starts (although Remi did everything this year!!) and it is so special. The moment when it all comes together. I love your cup and your lovely tree with all of the gaily wrapped presents underneath. Such happiness.
A wish for a quiet cup of coffee or two around the tree as the holiday slips into the new year.
Happy holidays and a happy New Year!
Thanks, Ayala (and Madge and Rudri and Heather and Barbara) – you, too!
All the best to you in the new year….I am going to be making more time to just “sit”, myself.
You, too, Carol. (That “sitting” is very hard for some of us. I’m working on it, myself.)
Merry Christmas to all
DA I have been substituting Grand Marnier for coffee… I hear that it may be organic, or so I tell myself.
Sounds pretty good to me, Curtis! Happy holidays to you and yours.
Best to all who gather around your tree. Grown men. A great accomplishment.
Lovely thoughts. I had one morning where I was able to make a cup of hot chocolate (with some Bailey’s) and just sit, enjoy our tree, the silence and regroup… before the rest of the house joined me.
To find a space for inner quiet is never easy; worries circulate too freely.
That is so true. Thank you for the warm thoughts and wishes. xoxo
What a lovely post 🙂 These are some great words to live by right here in this post, thank you. Love the tree! 🙂 – Marty