Red. At last.
A room full of poinsettias – and on sale!
Fuchsia. Orchids and other assorted holiday flowers. Gorgeous!
Green in glossy leaves. Green in remaining wreaths. Green in a quick run through a nursery.
The reds and hot pinks enhance my mood, bring the bounce back to my high-heeled step, and slide me straight into sensational spirits!
Now if only I’d done more shopping online, not to mention heeded my own top 10 gift ideas for under $100 – under $50, for that matter!
I am running on all cylinders and very last minute, and my good intentions (of good writing) aside – there are tasks that must take precedence. ‘Tis the season!
Please regale in red, fete the fuchsia, grin at the green – and drink in the delight of a boutique display I particularly enjoyed this morning. It is quiet in its manner – with just a touch of sparkle.
Accept my hurried apology that I haven’t even a few thoughtful paragraphs to arrange and offer. I will however suggest that you step out into the brightness of the wintery sky if you can. If not, bask in the brilliance of whatever colors please and soothe you.
Take pleasure in the small joys, the unexpected encounters, and the moments of discovery that come your way when you least expect – so often the gems that inform and redirect our lives.
May I extend a thank you to those who allowed me to snap a few images recently, and a very heartfelt Friday thank you – to all who so kindly continue to read and comment, participating in diverse communities that care – and share.

I love the colors of the season, and orchids are my favorite flower. Unfortunately, mine haven’t bloomed once since moving into this house. There isn’t enough light.
The photos are beautiful. Displaying jewelry on dress forms and antlers – interesting!
The flowers were gorgeous. I ran through like a madwoman, scooped up a poinsettia and paperwhites (on sale!), and buzzed through a boutique on the way home. I thought the display was unusual, so I snapped a picture.
Orchids can be gorgeous. Sometimes they last a good long time, and occasionally they’re tricky. (Do you have good luck with them?)
The poinsettia and paperwhites are still on my kitchen table! (I’m soooooo not ready for the holidays.)
Where are the elves when you need them?
Hello! I just discovered your blog from Lost in Provence and I love it! (I also clicked on your name because it sounded very cool.) I completely agree in your philosophy of taking small joys in life. Your flowers were one of those small joys today for me; they are just so beautiful!
Hope you are enjoying the holidays.
Bringing a plant into my house is practically giving it a dead sentence, so I tend to leave the beauties alone. Love the jewelry display! It’s always mad in this house from Thanksgiving to New Years Day, so no apologies needed… Merry Christmas!
dearest D
Ravishing reds!
We are about to leave the raspberry red roses and purple carnations downstairs in the lobby so someone else can adopt them for Christmas week as we are Heading West on Monday…..
Waving from bloody cold nyc.
tg x
Photos! By you! Now, if that isn’t a holiday giftie, I don’t know what is. But you know what will follow, yes? More please. 🙂
Frank is singing “I’ll be home for Christmas” and I am sipping a good Muscat (yes, it does exist) and Ben is munching on his bone at my feet.