When you need to think, when you need to plan, when you need to evaluate, when you need to produce, when you need to make tough decisions – do you have a favorite place to go?
Recently, I was schmoozing with a friend about where to go if money were no object – for play, for work – for an injection of inspiration.
There was mention of mountains and streams (her preference, not mine), and while a quiet cabin in the woods sounds good, my immediate thought went to… well, you know… wifi.
Better for me? Anywhere with a great coffee machine! Cue the espresso! The cappuccino! And beyond that, the beach – the Caribbean, the Riviera – Hell, I’d be thrilled to set foot in South Florida.
And yes, naturally, I also thought of Paris.
My ability to find focus, productivity, and creativity means recognizing that there are environments that are more conducive to doing my best work. When it comes to defeating distractions and getting down to business, I think that’s true of all of us.
My preference is – and always has been – for a touch of the city. Paris, not only for its energy and infinite stories, but for its hidden courtyards, verdant parks, and livability despite the dirt, the crowds, the chaos, and the expense.
Be still my heart! (It’s been too long. May I at least pretend I work for French Elle?)
Given that I don’t live in Paris at this time in my life, I find ways to recapture the feeling of it any way I can – books, movies, speaking French with friends – and recreating the vibrancy of an urban setting.
Sometimes that means parking myself (with laptop) in a noisy café, and the busier the better. Or I may rearrange a few potted plants on my tiny deck, in an effort to imagine myself in a French courtyard, shaded by a striped awning, my bare feet planted on the cool slate floor. I find nothing quite so delicious as the privacy of an oasis of green in the midst of a bustling city.
To be frank, when I feel passionately about what I’m doing – research, writing, brainstorming – I can do my best work anywhere, anytime. Everything around me drops away. It’s a remarkable feeling.
But if I’m struggling?
I’m intensely influenced by my surroundings – by colors, by clutter, by dust, by dirt, by too little quiet – or possibly too much, as I find I’m sensitive to noise of certain types. My mood is enhanced (and the likelihood of productivity, increased) when I’m settled into a comfy chair, with bright colors and books within view.
When all else fails?
There’s thinking in the shower! There’s drinking in the shower! (Yes, coffee.) Otherwise, there’s exercise – which usually entails a brisk walk to boost my well-being, ratchet up my energy, and result in being able to tackle whatever task requires my best effort.
What about you?
- Where do you do your best thinking?
- Where are you at your most productive?
- Do you have a favorite place or activity for problem resolution?
- Does that differ in the personal realm as opposed to the professional?
- Are there times that despite all efforts, you can’t perform at your best? Then what?
Image, Vivre Côté Paris, October-November 2008 (print).
And if you don’t know the Vivre Côté Maison magazines, whether you speak French or not, check them out. They’re gorgeous!
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My productivity seems to be more about time of day than location (definitely not in the morning!) Visiting a new city often inspires me, particularly if it is one with great architecture. Reading an information packed magazine or book, or trying something new at home – food, decor, routine, whatever. BTW, I’ve not been around much lately because I’ve been away the last six weeks in Australia, with very little internet access. I’m way behind on my reading and commenting, but hope to catch up soon! Thanks for being such a faithful reader and commenter over at Shelleyshouse.
I love visiting your blog, Shelley. Australia! Wow! (I hope we’ll be seeing pictures and hearing about it soon.)
I can’t imagine… These days, even Paris seems more than its usual “metro ride away” 🙂 Meanwhile, one of my sons is in Europe, and speaking French daily… j’en suis jalouse !
Cabin! (I’m not talking productivity; a quiet cell will do for that.)
We’re back from our little honeymoon cabin (quiet, no water but electric) — had a great time, hiked ten miles every day, and snuggled by the fireplace every night of our four night stay in the woods. So nice, who could ever work there.
Paul, I think you and Fran could be happy together anywhere… 🙂
I knew I loved you…there is no greater workspace, dream space, peace space than anywhere with a cup of amazing coffee. Portland is famous for small independent roasters. Many choices, but definitely there are favorites. There is a roaster in Cannon Beach that is out of this world (Sleepy Monk).In fact I have been known to drive the winding coast hwy for 2 hours just to get a cup of it. My favorite local coffee is Stumptown. I’ll tell you what…send me your address and I will send you a bag. Then we’ll make a date to share a virtual cup of coffee.
Oh Kristine that sounds divine! 🙂
When working on a difficult technical problem I tend to have a daily cycle, concentrate and develop theories in the morning, collect data in the afternoon, and think about it in the evening. Thoughts and ideas that occur in the evening get duly recorded in emails to myself and those get processed in the morning (if morning-me understands what evening-me meant 🙂 ). On more normal days, I keep mornings meeting free to do “real” work and stick to meetings/paperwork/drudgery happening in the afternoon.
Batticus, I have to laugh at the “morning-me” vs. “evening-me” distinction. (I know what you mean… )
I have pity for anyone who doesn’t know how to take an afternoon nap. My best thinking, such as it is, always follows.
I do my best thinking with a cup of coffee on the patio of a nice cafe. At night in the quiet, ideas always flow as well.