Shopping season? Mais oui!
Yes, I realize we’re still nibbling our turkey leftovers, but I admit I’m contemplating the giving season. I’ve surrendered to a modest amount of virtual shopping in the past days, and this morning I was recalling the best gifts ever.
Naturally, I have a few items snow-shoeing their way through my morning musings, as I picture days gone by and glorious gifts I can still remember.
I have a recollection of waking to an antique dollhouse in the living room – mid-19th century in worn paint, with a small front porch and a tiny iron bench. I suppose I was six or seven at the time, and that one object was thrilling and much cherished.
I still have it. I still adore it.
Those were the days when a single well-considered gift was the totality of what we anticipated. And we were very pleased with that!
Precious Possessions, Little Luxuries
As an adult, my most precious possessions are what my children have made for me – drawings, sculptures, vases, painted pots and other projects. Both have also given me books at various times, which I adore. (What’s not to love about kids who give you books?)
Romantic tokens? (Can you spell luscious lingerie for her? Perhaps equally enticing lingerie for her – for him? I wouldn’t say no to Simone Perele or that Lise Charmel Sweet Cheetah number!)
There was a beau long long ago who managed to choose the perfect baubles – earrings usually – a little funky and very much my style. But it was his thoughtfulness that always touched me – the fact that he asked what I might want, or was attentive enough to make a reasonable guess.
What about you? Your best gift ever? Was it something of the hand, or a little luxury you never expected?
By the way, did you know that you can try to match the personality of the man or woman in your life to the tokens of your affection?
In addition to shopping by personality, the site I just referenced offers other criteria including age. I bristle at that approach, personally, as what interested me at 16 still interests me, though certainly my preoccupations are broader than when I was a teen. I’d like to think that 70 I will still enjoy what fascinates me at 50, though practically speaking, I don’t need or desire some of the material things that are important fresh out of college or when setting up house.
Might we say that life stage plays into what we want and what we need, rather than chronological age?
As for those best gifts that are suggested?
Choices, Choices
When searching for ideas, I find that visiting retail sites can trigger ideas – everything from wine of the month clubs to small (but useful) kitchen contraptions.
Then there’s that Kindle (for those of us who haven’t yet entered the current decade) – but – I admit that this caught my fancy, and I only wish this book had been on the market when my little devils (angels) were refusing to permit a decent night of zzzzs!
Go the F**k to Sleep. It certainly seems like a perfect (irreverent, realistic, hysterical) offering to a weary parent of any age.
For the men, gadgets, gizmos, and tools remain ever popular. Are we surprised? I know one of the best gifts my older son ever received was a Leatherman – a tool-gadget that he considers a must, given his constant fixing and tinkering tendencies.
And what about this cute flash drive? It would make the (young) men in my life chuckle, and it’s useful. Then again, I know a few slightly older men who wouldn’t mind a car. A nice, shiny, brand new Mini in British racing green (or is that the Jag?), though my preference is red.
Hélas, no cars in the UnBudget. Perhaps a nice Matchbox car? They were classic, and I still adore them along with other classics like Legos and Crayolas, for kids of all ages and certainly both sexes.
Incidentally, the site and their personality quiz is amusing. I tried it on myself, and it turns out I’m a combo Super Mom-Trendanista-Intellectual. Do you think my selection of leather stilettos played a role in the “Trendanista” designation?
Come on. Admit it. These are irresistible! Hot! To swoon for! But I can’t find them anywhere on the web. (Hellooooo? Might someone know who makes these heavenly heels?)
I took the quiz a second time – just for fun – and I came out as a Trendanista-Creative Thinker-Professional!
Other than that? Other than coveting these shoes?
I think the best gift ever is to do something for someone else. (Don’t you love it when someone does something for you – from the heart?)
I’m asking Santa for a few well directed dollars to the Ashley Kidney Cutie Fund.
The Giving Season
Yes, I’m persistent. (I prefer to think of it as determined.)
And no, I’m no saint. I simply recognize that’s there’s really nothing I need. Other than wanting my boys around for the holiday and delighting in their laughter (and that of their friends), there’s far more pleasure in giving than receiving, so to me – giving where needed is receiving.
Other acts of giving that are sure to be remembered?
- Visit your grandmother who misses you. Stay for hours and share a cup of tea.
Stop by your neighbor’s house with homemade cookies or pumpkin bread. The neighbor who seems distracted or worried or lonely.
- Write a letter to an old friend. A real letter. By hand.
- Volunteer somewhere and read to children or older adults.
- Step outside your own head! (Something I don’t do often enough myself, and I’m always glad when I do.)
Have a snowball fight with your kids. Make music. Make a mitzvah. And if you’re lucky enough to be with someone you love – make love.
‘Tis the season – for connections over connectivity. Aren’t connections the best gift ever?
As usual – no compensation was received for anything mentioned here. And by the way – can someone tell me who makes those dynamite stilettos?

Love those cute little flash drives. I’m excited this year for Christmas because I actually have good ideas for people. Giving is the best.
Now if only they made flash drives with shoes on them. Cute shoes, of course. 😉 Yep. Giving is the best.
Suzy and I are playing as part of my Sax Quartet to Emerald Heights senior living facility. The staff treats us like royalty, we get to play Christmas music (always a big plus in my book), and the audience is surprising sophisticated and appreciative. Sometimes providing a gift to the community is as wonderful for the giver as it is for the audience.
Love this, Gandalfe!
I’ll answer all of the calls my mother makes to me in a day. Now that’s giving.
And if life really were fair, she would call just once.
Giving. Maybe it would be nice to try not to give people of the funky mood I’m in, and instead the good mood that lies underneath, hidden.
Connections are the best gift ever. I am making and writing some good old-fashioned thank you cards this evening – I love receiving mail and we don’t get enough these days (outside of bills and junk) so I hope it will put a smile on some faces.
As for the best gift, I honestly can’t pick because My Guy has the knack to pick the perfect something for the occasion. I feel really lucky that way.
Oh I LOVE those shoes. This is great advice. I love the idea of homemade cakes and real letters. I have a hard time stepping out of my heart as well. (Although I really don’t think you do!!!!!).
Like anything, I guess getting beyond ourselves is a matter of practice. (And who makes those shoes??? I still don’t know. I have a hankering to try them on!) 🙂
I loved this post, BLW!!! And it certainly got me out of MY head (ah, I can never seem to get out) and remember that giving is indeed much better than receiving. Cheers…
So glad you liked it, Joy! Cheers to you, too…
I love homemade gifts. And the ones that are wholly unexpected. I met a friend for dinner the other day and she gifted me homemade pumpkin bread. Just because she wanted to – Love unexpected good surprises.
Homemade pumpkin bread! (You’re giving me ideas instead of my usual cookies and cakes at holiday time… )