May I interest you in some Crunchy Frog? A cheeky delicacy, covered in chocolate of course, compliments of Monty Python.
Perhaps you’d rather check your wainscotting for the presence of killer sheep? Might you seek to replace your dead parrot? You know the one – blue – returned to Bolton, and originally nailed down to the bottom of the cage. Right. That’s the one!
Or might I charm you with some naughty bits?
Yes. I confess. I’m behind the times. But better late than never, no? While I’ve been aware of Monty Python’s Flying Circus, not to mention the assorted talents of John Cleese et al, only recently, have I been enticed, seduced, enthralled, and captivated – malevolently, devilishly and intoxicatingly hooked on blancmange, tennis-playing Scotsmen (very Wimbledon, don’t you think?), not to mention Attila the Hun (helping his children get a-head), Self-Taught Idiots, and the classic Ministry of Silly Walks.
Dare I say that when I can’t sleep, those long hours seem oh-so-much-more-palatable with an IV of comfy chairs and revisionist world history?
For your holiday weekend pleasure, may I recommend the Monty Python channel on Youtube? Do take your time and play through. It’s delicious stuff.
And speaking of delicious, couldn’t we all do with a tasty treat of delectable dessert? A bit of crunchy frog?
Any favorites you’d care to share? If not – no worries. Wishing you a dandy dinner of Spam, Spam with Spam, or Spam Spam Spam and … Spam.
Don’t like Spam? It could be worse… Remember – always look on the Bright Side of Life!

Ah, back when I had a TV, Monty Python was one of the few things worth watching. Hilarious.
I have been a fan for ages, and I’ve (fortunately or unfortunately) passed my absurd sense of humor on to both of my sons.
Monty Python and The Holy Grail is probably my favorite. But the blanc mange Wimbledon and Spam episodes rank right up there. And now for something completely different…
Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July holiday!
Giggly… I adore Monty Python… and, anything by the crew. One under-appreciated musical is Terry Gilliams’ take on The Wind in the Willows… but released in this country as Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride…
Rats on a stick?? Bring out your dead? What’s not to love??
Exactly! (Any cheesy comestibles?) 🙂
It never gets old!
And there’s so much to learn about history, too, Kelly! (I never knew that the English knights couldn’t afford their horses… and thus, they had coconuts for sound effects instead.)
You have raised my curiosity. I must confess to never having seen anything Monty Python. Has my life been too sheltered?
Apparently my life was too sheltered for many years, too, Carol. (Yes – check some things out on Youtube! Then pick some up.)
Love Monty Python. I didn’t know about the channel on YouTube! But I did have a friend who owned the entire Flying Circus collection on DVD. On occasions where neither of us felt like writing papers (because there was always one due), we’d throw one into the player and get a dose of silly before returning to the grind.
I must be a really starchy, serious stick in the mud. Monty Python humour doesn’t reach my funny bone. Nor does Terry Pratchett. Both are amongst Bill’s favourites. I’m grateful that opposites attract.
Are we limited to Monty Python? Woody Allen doing drugs. It gets me every time:
Excellent! Humor of all sorts – welcome!