The net was abuzz yesterday with Venus Williams’ wardrobe mishaps during French Open early round play.
Tennis views or tennis news?
Now come on. It’s hard not to notice a great player, an unusual outfit, and a little slip here or there. But the fact is, Venus Williams and the women at the French Open are phenomenal athletes. If a bit of cloth shifts, they aren’t about to worry over that, as play continues. Human nature being what it is, we all love that titillating little glimpse – even if it’s illusion, as is the case here, for the most part.
Venus and sister Serena have always made fashion statements on the court – as they brought excitement back to the women’s game more than a decade ago as power teens, hair and jewelry flying as they dominated their opponents.
Remember the Australian Open? It was only a few months ago. Venus wore a neon-colored tennis dress (I loved it) that was also about illusion and style; an inset at the chest as well as her panties matched her skin color. From a distance, our worldwide voyeuristic view perceived a flash here, a flash there. But take a closer look. Not so.
Yesterday, when I saw the “news” item about Venus without undies (again), and certainly not the case (again), I decided not to mention it. Last night, I pondered that decision, given that I wrote about Wimbledon wardrobe mishaps previously. Of course, that was in the context of a dream in which the tennis wardrobe mishaps were my own, during the course of an odd job interview. Somehow, my Wimbledon viewing had intertwined with my subconscious, and the lesson – a professional carries on no matter what – wasn’t lost in the dream, either.
This time? Do I really want to call attention to cheeky moves on the part of a tennis icon? To our trying tendencies to play and replay the female form when seemingly exposed? What message does that send?
Give me Andy Roddick. Please.
This morning, I’m dealing with reality. Several realities. Why are we bothered by beautiful bodies? If men were capable of entertaining us with their fashion slip ups, I’d happily look. And look again. In fact, I adore that flash of flesh when the men change their shirts. What’s not to admire about a beautiful body on a fine athlete – male or female?
For those of you who are fans of the male torso, might I recommend an entire YouTube video on Andy Roddick Shirtless?
Have a problem with that? I don’t.
More Venus Williams
This Venus incident is doubly interesting because the cheeky view was delightful illusion. It garners press (not that she needs it, though it doesn’t hurt, does it?) and it says much about our humanness. This is a beautiful woman, and a superb athlete. We like watching her, seeing her individuality and her style. But do notice: the outfit is a cute, flirtatious number. A corset dress. What better for Paris? I love it, and I say more power to you for daring to wear it, as long as you’re comfortable in it – and who the hell cares what you flash.
Her panties were on, people.
They match her skin color. And she beat her opponent. What more is there to say? Except, perhaps, that the AP photographers might grace us with equal time for the men as they peel off a wet shirt, mop a little perspiration, and pause for us to savor…
© D A Wolf

It seems I was living in a media vacuum yesterday. Not only did I miss all of day two of the French Open, but I missed this “cheeky” controversy as well.
I am a big fan of the Williams sisters, especially Venus. I love the way she plays the game and have always found her to be a class act. And if she wants to go with this “illusion” theme in her fashion line, who cares?
I attribute much of the Williams sisters’ longevity in the sport (really unparalleled among their peers) to their pursuit of their interests outside of tennis. While so many others burn out at 21, they have dabbled in acting, fashion, merchandising, and modeling. And now it seems that Venus is using this unrivaled stage to show off her fashion line. Sounds like a good marketing move to me!
Hear, hear. I couldn’t agree more, Kristen.
Why are “slip ups” and “shirt ups” so Intriguing? Exciting? Fun?
Could it be that the biological purpose in life – to pass on our DNA – keeps us alert to those who look well qualified to do so? Hmmmm?
Just sayin…
Have Fun,
Methinks that would be a resounding YES! (It’s only natural, isn’t it?)
I like her black frilly outfit, and the skin color panties are silly. She could have worn black, to match the outfit, and made a stronger fashion statement. It’s almost like she wants the press to make a big deal of the flesh colored attire.
Venus – wear what you want, and play tennis! But don’t be so tricky as to make us think you’re nude when you’re not. It’s silly. It’s not a slip up – it was an intentional choice by her.
I’d call that a little merchandising for her fashions. Wouldn’t you?
there are worse problems to have than this one
go venus! jump for it 😉
I wouldn’t have cared even if it was her butt showing. That woman is nothing but muscle. Amazing!
You are lucky you are not at my house right now. The boys are mimicking the females’ grunts as they play today. I need ear plugs!
Love those grunts! (Wasn’t Monica the best grunter ever??)
Can I just say: Hear, Hear!
And remember Mia Hamm’s “scandalous” (victorious!) baring of her sports bra? I’ll join you in a resounding Who the hell cares?
Definitely! (Echoing the “hear hear.”) 😉
I don’t mind the slips- got more important things to worry about.
Oh THANK you for the link to the Roddick video!
Oh Andrea. A woman after my own heart! (A work of art, no?)
I’m incredibly jealous. If my butt looked that good I would wait for strong gusts of winds just to show it off.
Love the outfit. She can play and she can play! Hits like a man and has enough style to make us ladies proud.
I played competitive tennis in my younger years and I always tried to push the envelope with my tennis outfits. I went the other way. I hated the tennis skirts that the girls HAD to wear. I wanted to prove I could play with the big boys, so I wore shorts. I wish now I had gone the other way and played to my strength–my feminine side.
I love this post. I love people who are daring. And who have the fortitude to carry it off.
Too good, Terry!
Tennis is a magnificent sport, isn’t it? Wish I could play decently. But I enjoy watching – and admire your ability to play and play well.
We wouldn’t be looking if there was something so worth looking at. It takes an awful lot of work to stay in that kind of shape! I know my jaw drops because I can’t imagine being that toned. Plainly put: I’m jealous. I’ll own it.
Amen to that!
Obviously I’m living under a rock (that gets WIFI) because I had no idea this was going on. But honestly, if my ass looked like that – and people were for some reason staring at it – AND I could wield a tennis racket without knocking someone out, I would treat them all to flesh colored undergarments whenever there was a breeze. However, my ass being what it is (or isn’t) I’ll stick with jeans and just wish hers well.