Rough week. Of course, you know that, and I managed to get by with a little help from my friends.
But it’s enough already! Okay. Apparently not. I was down. I was up! And then I was down again. Sucker punch.
Yesterday, not even 24 hours after the last technology disaster, some nasty Trojan decimated my computer, in a matter of minutes. Obliterated. And there I went – down, down, down. Hard. The world spinning. On the mat, blinking and dazed. The ref hovering overhead.
But call the bout? No way. No way in hell. I choose to think like a man, remember? And I fight back. With everything I’ve got.
I may be down again, and getting a little hot around the collar, but at least it’s a chic collar! Avec French scarf. A bright color and pattern, to bolster my demoralized demeanor. But dammit, I wasn’t prepared for combat. Not yesterday, and not today.
Who I am and what I do
No matter how hard we prepare (firewalls, spam filters, security, passwords) – we can still get hit with technology trauma. And for some of us – two days in a row. It’s baffling. It’s expensive. And I am now sans technology. Trauma indeed. For a writer, it’s like being bound and gagged, handcuffed and muzzled. The usual resources for interacting with the world (and doing our work) are suddenly unavailable.
I may be without laptop (of my own), but not without ideas as to how to proceed, or creative problem-solving should those initial thoughts not pan out. Writing is more than what I do; it’s who I am. My exercise, my healthy nourishment. Conversation is my blood flow. Hanging a “temporarily closed for business” sign on my communication options is not an option. “Unavailable” is unacceptable.
Facing adversity (even with preparation)
The drama thickens: my son’s computer was felled recently by a virus, so he’s been sharing my laptop. This latest blow is more than an inconvenience, because his educational tasks require a computer as much as my daily writing and networking does. So this episode comes with an unavoidable price tag. At a very bad time.
Adversity knocks us down. It’s life. Whether it’s relationship, health, family, career, finances, or technology – there are no safe hiding places.
Still, isn’t it time for someone else to jump into the ring? To dodge and weave? Because I’m over this Sisyphus thing. You know. One step forward two steps back. And the damn shoulder-boulder is filthy. It’s staining my silk scarf, not to mention messing with my mind.
The Myth of Sisyphus 
I’ll net this out. Big rock. Hot guy. He stepped out of line.
The result?
Huge mountain, and eternally destined to heave the boulder upwards in an attempt to reach the top, only to slide back after making advances. And our woeful but never-say-die mythological hero, Sisyphus? Somewhere, he’s still out there, trying, and we got a great (albeit dark) parable out of his ordeal.
As for his wardrobe during this endeavor? One can only hope he had a good dry cleaner, or (better yet) was going topless – muscles rippling, pecs glistening with the physical effort of his daily duties.
I may be down, but I’m not out
Yes, one more blow. But this bruised and beleaguered woman will not stay down for long.
And it’s an opportunity for the Hello-May-I-Use-Your-Computer Neighborhood Introduction Project. A way to practice that “trust” issue?
So HEAR THIS, Bad Luck Demon, you Damnable Dark Cloud. I’m over it. This Sisyphus shit has got to stop.
Didn’t you get the memo?
You can shadow me, stalk me, taunt me, mock me, or hover over my numbed body when I’m down for the count. But it ain’t over yet. And next time you take me on, if you’re going to hit me with the one-two punch and lay me out to see stars, at least send in a Trojan resembling Brad Pitt, or a gorgeous Greek like Russell Crowe.

Thumbs down! I hope your laptop is back up and running soon. Mine bit the dust a while back and I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly a local repair guy was able to restore it. Sometimes technology is as simple as two hands, some brain power, and a little patience.
In the meantime – rock on! Nobody puts Wolfie in a technological corner!
How did you do that? No computer on which to write and yet – tada! – a post. And a good one at that!
Viruses, hackers, spammers, Trojans, whoever: quit picking on Big Little Wolf. After all, you don’t stand a chance. We’ve all heard her bark: it’s sharp, it’s agile, and it’s unflinching. If her bite is even half as tough, you don’t stand a chance!
It’s the Plead-With-A-Neighbor-Plan. So I won’t be able to read or visit too much for a few days, but in spirit, I’m there! (And even if I have to dictate a post daily, I’ll do it!! But I may need some nice pumps to go with those boxing gloves.)
Oh, HELL NO. Navrée doesn’t even come close. Nasty Trojan indeed! Local library to the (temporary) rescue? (Offers virtual bottle of water and a fluffy white towel to the prizefighter.)
I have three little words of advice for you. Think like a right-brainer and…
Get. A. Mac.
Operating System is more stable; virtually virus free (so far); easy to use; doesn’t crash…the list goes on and on and on. 🙂
i think i had something not good to eat last night
or perhaps the final drink did not sit well,
but i felt like i got punched in the stomach this morning and it hasnt quite gone away yet 🙁
My ex tells me my Kapersky anti virus software is supposed to catch this crap, but I don’t know… I live in fear of what you describe.
I love this post. Nothing gonna keep you down, my friend! And the image of Sisyphus.
I was forced to buy a laptop last week, so I feel your pain. Macs are nice, but they are not foolproof either.
Oh that Kristen. Talking about the Wolfie bark and bite. So right! Don’t mess with the Wolf. If there’s a will, there’s a way. And she’s got much more than the will!
We’ll be here whenever you are, BLW. For sure!
Oh I am sorry to hear this- may your computer woes be over soon! xo
“’Unavailable’ is unacceptable.” Go, fight, win, BLW! Rooting for you …
Love the fighting spirit, BLW! And love its broader application. I’ve been blogging for nearly two weeks without the use of my right hand and I’m right handed! Hear me roar! (Or at least whimper in pain…)
When you start blogging from the library, it’ll be rock bottom, right?
Anyway, good luck. I know things will right themselves.
I had an issue with malware on the desktop before I had a laptop. The joys of sharing with a 15 y/o. I managed to eradicate the mess eventually. Wish I were closer.