This week’s devastating earthquake in Haiti makes our day-to-day troubles seem trivial, or even irrelevant. We may continue with “life as usual” though most of us wonder what we can do to help. So, we contribute what we can to the American Red Cross or other disaster relief funds.
As with all catastrophic events, the numbers are mind-boggling, and difficult to process. Unless you have family members or friends in the Haitian community, the horror of it seems distant. But it is no less a horror.
Celebrities get our attention
Enter the celebrities. And for the better. I was reading (French Yahoo) last evening, and saw a feature on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who are reportedly donating 1 million euros (approximately $1.4 million) to relief efforts.
Celebrities have deeper pockets and broader reach than the average Joe. They also have immediate impact in a strangely personal way for many – recognizable faces that catch our attention. When that’s put to good use, I applaud their efforts.
Corporations – Google, MasterCard, American Express and others are also stepping up to the plate with major donations – and quickly.
To see a response beyond the individual, from individuals as well as corporate good citizenship, is encouraging to those of us who still believe we are one human community.
How to help
Even a small donation goes a long way when large numbers step in. Keep in mind – as easy as it is to donate online – do so smartly. Remember that all Internet transactions need to be checked out first, made with due diligence, including donations of this sort. Scams are easily proliferated via Twitter and quickly crafted sites; verify the legitimacy of the organization before you give. Or donate via an established organization like the Red Cross, Unicef, or CARE. You want to give, not be taken.
Links that may be of assistance:

This Haiti thing is hard to comprehend. Funny how the brain can’t process such horrors. There was a terrible accident down the road from where I live last night – a guy in a pick up truck drifted into the other lane where an 18 wheeler finished his life journey in a flash of fire. One man dead, easy to process and feel that pain, thousands of lives taken in an instant, cognitive overload.
In general I am a fan of anonymous charitable donations, but you make a great and important point here: by attaching their names to good causes, celebrities like Brangelina can potentially leverage more giving. And what matters more than that at a time like this?
Yes, those in a position to do a lot also have the power to inspire the rest of us to do what we can. It’s empowering to know that response to hurricane Katrina topped a billion dollars from private donations in the US, and that the average donation was $26.
Namaste, Bruce
This is such good advice. I am writing a song about this….well trying….its nearly too much to take on. But I want to add a few donation options and this information will help a lot. I totally agree with Steve – Cognitive Overload. I sat alone at a bar last night waiting for a meeting, reading HuffPost on my phone and found myself trying to control tears, shaking and crying. No one noticed…..but I suppose they would have been very kind if they had.
good on you! thanks for this.
I cannot look at the pictures in the news right now. They are almost too much to bear.
I think it’s wonderful when people–celebs or no–show an outpouring of compassion and concern.
I don’t know if you know or not, but I was wondering…Did they have any idea that they had such a fault line running through Haiti? This is just massive!
Such devastation is so difficult to watch. I have a friend who works for FOX News as a cameraman and I cannot imagine what he will see. I agree with The Kitchen Witch, it is wonderful when people show an outpouring of compassion and concern.
Yes! I have been telling every one in America if you cannot give a lot- to donate by text message. Text Haiti to 90999 and $10 goes to the American Red Cross (charge shows up on your cell phone bill). So far over $10million has been raised!
Celebrities also have a greater reach in spreading the word of need. And some, such as Rainn Wilson have made friends with the people of these and other third world countries during humanitarian missions and feel the pain a little deeper than those of us at a distance.
God bless those in Haiti the natives, the visitors and the aid workers