What to make of the odd arrival of early morning quiet…
Navigating by Notre Dame de Paris
Watching the Notre Dame burn was surreal and stunning, and for me, very personal…
Those Lessons I Need to Learn Again and Again
Some life lessons need teaching over and over…
“Just Be Yourself”
Casual words from a stranger that you can’t get out of your head…
Can’t Quite Quit Your Devices?
Saying NO to the pull of the smartphone or tablet may not be easy, but…
Nippy (Or… Why We Talk to Inanimate Objects)
Kids talk to teddy bears and toys. But what about adults? Why do we speak to inanimate objects?
There’s Nothing Like a Little Visit to the ER to…
Ah, life lessons…
When Your Day Starts With… But… And…
When your morning goes awry through no fault of your own, how to recover?
33 Parts
Sometimes staring down a challenge — then tackling it — is just what the doctor ordered.
“Practice makes perfect” they say. Well, perhaps not perfect, but practice is essential to improve… isn’t it?