Do you cheat? Let me be more specific. After all – there’s cheating and then there’s fudging a little, right? Did you ever cheat in school? Did you ever cheat at a game? Do you rationalize cutting corners? Did you ever cheat in a relationship, and how “far” is cheating? How do you define cheating? […]
I'm writing as fast as I can…
Laundry, permission slips, school lunches, art supplies, driving lessons. Another SAT registration. More credit debt. Writing. More writing. Unpaid bills, unopened mail. Researching scholarships, colleges, college visits. Leaky roof, broken mower, burnt-out printer, dying cell phone. And? I’m dancing as fast as I can More writing, more writing, more writing. Another dose to fight anxiety, […]
Teen Party Planner, the Mad Hatter, Down the Rabbit Hole
Teen party planner “Can I have a few people over?” Excuse me? “Saturday night. Can I have a few people over? We’ll sit outside, in the back.” This was unusual. Four sentences. I realize he can talk, and with animation, but generally only when there’s a girl around, or the girl, the OMG hot blonde […]
Phoenix rising from the ashes. Myth or possibility?
Is it human nature to believe that we can rebuild, even from devastation? I thought of this last evening, of the myth of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. I was watching the season finale of Mad Men, as the main character’s life seems to slip through his fingers – his marriage, his illusions about […]
Six tips to beat holiday blues
BAM! ZAP! THWAK! Holy holidays, Batman! I flipped on the boob tube Halloween afternoon and what flashed across the screen? Christmas commercials – already!?! I’m all for boosting GNP, but do I have to fight the holiday blues this soon? For many of us, this premature, picture-perfect presentation of hyped-up-happy times is either irritating as […]
Halloween hell: Hershey's in the pantry
Yep. It’s driving me crazy. That big bag, well, huge actually. Purchased 24 hours ago, and still unopened in the pantry. But I know it’s there. And it’s killing me. Yes indeed – we stand on the brink of another great American candy holiday – every figure-watching, chocolate-addicted woman’s nightmare! (And I do allow for […]
Amante à Paris ou « Maman t’as pas ri ! » (La vie est une saloperie !)
Amante à Paris ou « Maman t’as pas ri ! » (La vie est une saloperie !) version anglaise / English version / © D A Wolf Hier soir, j’ai reçu un coup de fil sur mon portable – le numéro, je ne l’ai pas reconnu. Mais le pays, si – 33. Et moi, aux […]
Tattoo Follow-up: Pro Piercing?
Somehow in my mind, tattoos and piercings are linked. And the tattoo talk has been so interesting! Plenty of celebrities have jumped on the tattooing and piercing bandwagon. So how about some follow-up questions to those who indulge or enjoy this practice? Tattoo and piercing link? I would love to know: Those of you who […]
Bad news, a martini, a moment
The voice startled him. “I have bad news,” he said. This, in the wake of the recent loss of his sister, and a friend, and another battling a life-threatening illness. He must have felt his entire body stiffen at those words, though they were uttered by a waiter in a family restaurant, on the first […]
Tattoos – Hot or Not?
The trend in tattoos has been in full swing for some time now. And the topic of tattooed mamas (and tattooed ta-tas) has come up lately in the neighborhood of several blogs I frequent. I’ve had a bug up my you-know-what over this for years. Can someone explain the appeal to me? I don’t understand […]