By Andrea Clement.

Kindness Abounds. It’s Powerful Stuff.
Small acts, big impact.

There’s No Way Around It. I Need to Be Professionally “Organized.”
Help! My small space!

Wednesday Coffee
Morning coffee at the crack of dawn? Make it strong, please!

Ashamed of Feeling Lonely?
A reminder of the causes and complexities of loneliness.

My Problems, Your Problems: Whose Problems Come First?
Conflicting priorities…
Most Recent…

What’s Cookin’?
Where have I been? Um... around. Why haven't I been writing? Oh... I've got my reasons. And there's always "domestic life" taking up time. You know, dusting this and that (like unused brain cells?), cooking up a little something to eat (stirring the pot?) … [Read More...]

Reflecting, reflecting, reflecting... I have been reflecting on mantras for a few days now, considering how they serve us, and what the new year means in the context of the wisdom we try to impart to ourselves. Resolutions? I gave them up well over a decade ago. But focused reminders? … [Read More...]

A Touch of Eyeliner, a Dab of Perfume… and Yes, Morning Coffee
Oh, how to survive the ongoing isolation that some of us still live with! I will tell you how: a touch of eyeliner and a dab of perfume. Every. Single. Day … [Read More...]

Interesting Faces
I am grateful for the ability to watch British TV. I am grateful for the ability to watch French TV. I am grateful for the ability to watch Scandinavian TV. Yes, thank you Prime, Netflix, and the other sources of entertainment that offer us faces over 50. Interesting faces … [Read More...]

It’s a bracelet I searched out in the back of a drawer, a cuff bracelet that is more ornate than something I would choose for myself these days. But I love it. I have always treasured it. And I'm a little surprised that it still fits and delighted that it does. Because it isn't just any bracelet. Not to me … [Read More...]

Just Under the Wire
A few months back I told myself I wouldn't give up on Daily Plate of Crazy. Well, not entirely. I also told myself I could manage a single post a month, if for no other reason than to maintain a thread of contact with some of the wonderful people … [Read More...]

Old Wounds
Forty years ago I slipped and tore ligaments along the side of my right foot and partway up my right leg. The damage could've been far worse, but I needed crutches for a month and limped for more than a year. Eventually, the ligaments healed and I went on with my life, of course. However... … [Read More...]

Sometimes, Shit Happens
OK. I'm not going to pull any punches here. Sometimes, shit happens. Shit you can't control. We know that, right? We're living a nightmare pandemic. Talk about out of control! And then there is the seemingly small stuff of everyday life that we can't control... These past several days, I've been living … [Read More...]