Is talking enough to help?
Perks, Praise and Pay: Why Money Talks
Perks and praise are nice, but money matters more.
College Kids… Calling Home
The importance of college kids and parents, keeping in touch.
Stay-At-Home-Dad Looking for a New Job?
SAHDs face job challenges, just like SAHMs.
Cover Letter From a Stay-At-Home-Dad
A creative cover letter from a parenting professional: the SAHD.
A Lesson in Ones and Twos
Teaching kids about discrimination.
My Son, the Fix-It Man
We help fix the world for our kids; as they grow, they return the favor.
Do Married Men Make the Best Employees?
The (Male) Marriage Premium. Still a factor?
Childcare Expenses Don’t Stop at Age 5
The expense of raising children can be staggering.
A Talk About “The Talk”
Talking race relations around the dinner table.