No matter what the time, the place, the circumstances, generally, it’s good for what ails you. Laughter. Seriously! It can’t hurt, right? Except maybe after a C-section or hernia repair. After all, there’s nothing quite like side-splitting, gut busting, uproarious letting loose. I say again: Laughter! Or maybe you prefer a tiny titter from Twitter?
Vivacious (Or How to Stay Young and Mischievous)
French version / version française © D A Wolf How do you say “tongue in cheek” in French? He ignores me. He types next to me. He’s concentrating on his work, but he reaches his hand over to my knee. Must I ask again? “I don’t know how to translate that,” he says, looking at […]
La Vivacité (Et Comment Rester Jeune et Espiègle)
English version / version anglaise © D A Wolf Comment dire “tongue in cheek ?” Il ne répond pas. Il tape à côté de moi. Il se concentre sur son travail. Il passe la main sur mon genou. Faut-il répéter ? “J’en sais rien !” dit-il, en me regardant comme si j’étais une petite emmerdeuse […]
No Pity for the Limping Duck
No pity for the what? Huh? So what does that mean? Ever page through entertaining English expressions? Or expressions in the language of your choice? It’s great fun! And might we start with the duck? Ne pas casser trois pattes à un canard. That means to be mediocre; to be nothing out of the ordinary, […]
Facebook : Efficace Dans la Vie Romantique, ou le Contraire ?
English version : Why Facebook Sucks For Your Sex Life © D A Wolf Vous consultez le statut de celle ou de celui qui vous intéresse deux fois par jour ? Six fois par jour ? Vous consultez Facebook pour voir si le statut n’est plus « célibataire » ? Eh alors ? Quoi d’autre […]
La foi, le rêve, et tout le reste
La foi, le rêve, et tout le reste J’ai rêvé, j’ai rêvé de la foi, de la foi au-delà du dogme, de la foi dans le sens de l’espoir qui s’installe au fond de chaque individu ; de la foi dans le sens où toute religion n’insiste pas sur un seul chemin ; de la […]
The Life I Do Not Lead
Come closer. There is a dab of Chanel between my breasts. I have poured myself a drink. I am spread out on top of the bed covers, propped against red pillows in tangled sheets, caught in the turbulence of my sleeplessness, my nightly storm. Outside, the wind howls and releases, limbs bend and then relent, […]
Lucid Dreaming
My younger son leans back in his chair at the dinner table and reaches over to the bookcase. He slips out a glossy paperback and begins flipping through it. “Why do you have a book on dream analysis?” he asks. My son doesn’t normally initiate a discussion. This is a pleasant change. Oh that, I […]
Nifty neighbor, Prez that puckers, Next logical steps
Time for me to lighten up. Ya think!?! And with LEDs at that, apparently. So here are some ticklish tidbits that fit the bill. Nifty neighbor I was wandering my local (blogging) neighborhood and stumbled onto this delicious drunken rambling from Momalom, and just had to share it. I needed a laugh last night in […]
Dear Family of Strangers Connecting
Dear Family of Strangers Connecting: How odd to wake each morning and think of you, immediately. Even as dreams hover. Even as the week’s worries crystallize too quickly, as I wonder what we shall say to each other, as I picture you rushing to jobs, to schools, to computers, to the day’s errands all too […]