Love, thy name is business. Let me count the ways. I’ve been thinking about the Love Biz, musing over my history and wondering about my future, even as I’ve canceled out of yet one more time. Yep, after following the rules of its 6-month guarantee. Love, clearly, isn’t just big biz. It’s gargantuan. It […]
Everyone has an agenda. But gimme a break!
I’m rushing to get out of the house. My kid forgot his tennis shoes. Again. He needs them for school, and he needs them now. I’m mid-screen, mid-writing, mid-hair drying, mid-bill paying. And now the damn house phone rings, then my cell phone. It’s someone I know – not well – who wants something from […]
Saucy single mother seeks kept woman position
I am not a kept woman. But I have nothing against it. In fact, I’m all for it! Consider this my online announcement: SAUCY SINGLE MOTHER SEEKS KEPT WOMAN POSITION. My, but I’ve traveled a far piece of road since the heady, feminist 70s. (Cover your bunny ears, Gloria Steinham! Pull down the brim of […]
What do we build?
My 17-year old was bent over the patio table outside, with two friends, well after midnight. Nothing unusual in that – they joke around, they eat and drink. Mostly, they chat and listen to music, sometimes gathered around a laptop. Surprise, surprise Last night I was curious. I wanted to know what they were doing, […]
Good News Extravaganza (Bad News Moratorium)
Life sucks. We know. I’m tired of reading bad news. Enough already. Do you hear that New York Times? Wall Street Journal? MSNBC? We get it. This guy? No one looks like this guy. Not on my planet. Hell – I’ve got a laptop in my bed, not some hunka-hunka-sweet-faced manhood with pouty lips and […]
When it Comes to Internet Discounts, Caveat Emptor
Do you know the expression, caveat emptor, let the buyer beware? When it comes to Internet discounts, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This afternoon, I was trying to find a discount outlet for something I really wanted to purchase for my son. I couldn’t afford the retail price, so […]
I love ALLTOP, Part Deux
Thank you, Alltop. And thank you Twitter. Please see this post on branding moms and dads differently. Was I just the straw that broke the camel’s back, on an issue that was in the resolution queue anyway? It’s now a few hours later – and whatever the reason – it seems that Alltop listened. There […]
I love ALLTOP, but…
Quick post. I love – I find it incredibly useful to get to top blogs in an organized fashion. And as a user of blogs in two languages, professionally and personally – I think is a tremendous time saver and a very usable resource. My issue I enjoy reading the DAD blogs – […]
Less Stress Over Mounting Debt? Don’t Think So.
Less stress, though your mountain of debt is growing? Be wary of data that doesn’t make sense. Dig deeper.
Fly in the Ointment for Flying Bus?
I do love my daily dose of international internet news… France-Soir and The Telegraph are reporting on Ryanair, the low-cost Irish airline, and its recent service-slashing proposals that would really put the bus into Airbus! Are you ready to climb aboard, fasten your belt, but without seat backs in the upright position? Why? Because there […]