Yes, I think I have Impeachment Blues,
Glued (alas!) to print and cable news,
And this subject surely not alone
In somber content, daily, word and tone…

Sending me to my best consolation,
As we talk Ukraine investigation,
Buying shoes will soothe my wrinkled brow!
Care to know my where and then my how?
I confess, by pumps I can be tempted,
(Might the stream of news then be preempted?)
Yup, fine footwear clearly lifts my spirit,
Come on now — let’s cheer, (let’s shop), let’s hear it!
And, the season’s sales have all begun!
Clothes and toys (and shoes) for everyone!
As we online shop for those we love —
Here a gadget, there a cashmere glove —
We just might behold a tasty treasure,
For our own (fine footwear-loving) pleasure.
Who finds fault in glitzy gorgeous spikes?
Slides and mules and booties? — Get those LIKES!
Thus my own big grin and sheer delight,
When these hotties hit me as just right,
At a price delish to little me,
Thus, without a doubt – just meant to be!
Yes, you know I’m drawn to lipstick red,
Its vibrant flair it’s true goes to my head,
And long I’ve searched for combo rouge et noir,
Sexy, like a (sizzling) chic boudoir,
Knowing that I have a special bag,
(I’ve never seen in-store or fashion mag)
That I bought in France one business trip.
(Do shop les soldes – a very useful tip!)
Don’t you love the color? Cheerful, no?
The grosgrain tips, the leopard heels — Enzo!
Great job on these I really have to say,
(And DSW again has saved the day!)
Sure, I stalk the fashion finds I’m wanting,
Prices (sadly) often far too daunting,
No Manolos grace my shoe collection —
They would be the ultimate confection!
Manolos, Barney’s had, and yes, on sale,
Oh, so pretty! Dreaming, I grow pale,
Sighing and desiring, I confess —
Leaving me in want, and some distress!
Though discounted, they’re not in my budget,
And (deep sigh) there is no way to fudge it,
Yet I still admit to my addiction,
Not the worst of objet d’art affliction.
Carolyne, the name of these, so pretty!
Worthy of a couplet, not this ditty!
Others, too, compel me sing their praises
With my lowly adjectival phrases.
Lest we not ignore the breadth of choice,
Might I be allowed to still give voice,
To these stunning mules, I just adore?
Oh, Manolo Blahnik — give me more!
Pink, though not my color, I could try
All black, this rosy touch then I would spy
On my happy feet, Manolo-clad,
Yes, the very thought — it makes me glad!
Now, the hearings surely I will see,
Quiet, watching, and quite solemnly.
Diversions set aside, I do believe,
We can’t pretend our ears and eyes deceive —
Right, recalling names can be a bitch —
Vindman, Taylor, Holmes, Yovanovich —
Yes, there’s more, attention must be paid,
We none of us, the voters, should be played.
We know the truth — the Prez, it seems, has tried
To rig the next election — where’s his pride?
He used his power to shake down Ukraine,
While dangling aid they need, this story’s plain.

It’s clear that our democracy is churning —
Listen to the facts, they are concerning.
Please, whatever views that you now hold,
Do keep an open mind — because that’s gold.
Sure, the pump, the slide, the slingback, too,
Each is more enticing than a view
Of Sondland, Wednesday, with us on alert,
To how our institutions have been hurt.
As the president and Congress, too,
Seem to have forgotten me and you,
And shiny objects thrown our way aside,
(Including purse and brand new Enzo slide),
It’s up to us, in earnest, to decide
If from truth we really plan to hide,
And how we choose to speak and disagree,
Whatever the result, at last, will be.

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I have to admit that just reading the word “shoes” makes my bunions throb. I will have to resort to chocolate.
I actually remember the Nixon hearings.
Chocolate soothes (nearly) all ills, n’est-ce pas?
And like you, I also recall bits of the Nixon/Watergate hearings. (Naturally, I was a precocious child of six (cough cough) at the time. You, too?)
STAY POSITIVE…….. I can’t watch…. makes my BLOOD BOIL!
Hmmmm… Two hours more or less for fun with rhyme…
Image prep and linking add more time.
(You can click the pics of all the shoes…
To access retail sites that you can cruise.)
That blood boil thing? I know. I really get it.
Rhyming helps me – briefly – to not fret it.