It’s time for nubby knits and cozy comforters and breaking out the blankets!

I confess: I am a warm weather woman. Nonetheless, I love this time of year when the seasons begin to change and we can don our sweaters and scarves and… catching those zzzzz’s at night under a blanket or two (or in my case five) feels oh-so sumptuous.
Now, of course, I am hoping not to have the intriguing issues with inanimate objects that I experienced last winter… Do you remember? I was talking to an old radiator in the middle of the night, desperately trying to convince or coerce the clanking pipes to do my bidding and heat my bedroom for a few hours. (Fifteen-degree temps will do that.)
Remarkably, the process of trial and error eventually led me to the radiator’s secret. Thankfully! I have already had to hit the heat (given temperatures plunging to freezing), and I am happy to report that along with my blankets, the cold nights encouraging (hot?) delightful dreams make for splendiferous seasonal stuff.
I am also reacquainting myself with my fave long sleeve sweaters, digging out some of my more entertaining socks, layering in leggings beneath my jeans, and I even began to break in some somewhat clumping semi-heavy walking booties — not my usual stiletto-strutting statement, but trust me, they work well with most of my casual pants – and they’re perfect in this wondrous walking weather.
Now, soft and scrumptious sweaters aside, there’s something terribly romantic about the switch from sizzling sunshine to cozy (concupiscent?) cooling days and nights. Who doesn’t enjoy a bit of “bundling” for getting in the mood? And a girl can dream, n’est-ce pas?
So, have you broken out the blankets yet? Does sweater weather encourage you to eat more, get out and play more, entertain more, engage in “adult activities” with greater enthusiasm? Does it encourage you to sleep more, all very hibernation-style? Or do you kick into holiday gear and begin pondering purchases and planning parties? (Already indulging in sales, by the by?)
My, my… a chill in the air certainly ratchets up my own romantic ruminations. Any thoughts of snuggling up to someone special or getting back out there if you’re currently unattached?
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Here is the existential question:
Does the duvet go above or below the heavy wool blanket? I’m thinking below, because the duvet will gather a thick insulating layer of body heat, and the wool will keep it from floating off into the room. But I could be wrong.
I used put a bouillotte (hot water bottle) in the bed to heat it, which brought mocking from my husband. I explained that adding blankets to a bed was as useful as putting blankets on a stone because a stone doesn’t generate heat and neither did I. One of the few happy things about menopause is that I no longer need a bouillotte.
15 degrees is perfect for sleeping…in Celsius.
Nothing beats a pair of socks, or, better yet, crocheted slippers made several decades ago by Grandma, too slippery to walk in but they are just the thing to ensure good sleep.
Was the trick for your radiators to bleed them?
Tu me fais rire…
No leeches and bowl for the radiator. I’m required to finagle the “modern” digital heat for the front room (it must click on first) in order for the old (take the top off and make sure the mercury is moving) thermostat for the bedroom radiator… down to 60, push it slowly up to 90, down to 60, up to 80, wait… If no warmth in 20 minutes, rinse and repeat…
I know, right?
Duvet on the bottom!
Leeches…..It took me a moment to catch that one…..(Big Laugh!!!).
Blanket weather is in full swing here. And I fear that loafer and fall jacket weather is over for this year. Such a brief season when one can wear their tweed jackets as outerwear. I was all set to don my loafers and one of my fall jackets to go shopping this morning, but the 3-5 cm of snow on the ground when I got out of bed had me reassessing my outfit plans. It’s all about down vests and woolen scarves and boots now.
Snow! Yikes, Sue. Yes, short season, especially chez toi! ❄️☃️⛄️
Duvet first, then blanket! My ability to generate some body heat in a winter bed also magically switched on in my 50s, which has utterly transformed the frigid bed phenomena of a whole lifetime. One good thing to come of the slippery slope of ageing! Although Mr P will still offer up some hot man legs to defrost the stubbornly cold feet against, as an act of conjugal chivalry. It does not, by any stretch, extend to any amorous advances from me in the winter time, however … you are definitely on your own there!!
ToF triggered this memory – The house I grew up in was built in the period just after stone cladding and before insulation was used behind wood siding, so it was quite cold. I was fascinated that my mother would warm bricks in the oven and put them into the ends of the beds, which was quite effective. I later found out this was common, especially in poor rural areas such as the one she came from.
Decades later I still find myself cold but I’ve been introduced to the wonders of jersey and flannel sheets. They (and electric blankets) may be the modern equivalent of the brick.
I have a love/hate relationship with the cooler temps. Yes, I enjoy the layers and especially the textures…but I miss the carefree-ness of warmer days and especially the longer light!
With you on those shorter daylight hours!
100% cotton sheet,
then 100% cotton decorative bedspread,
then duvet to snuggle me inside.
If additional is necessary, then 100% cotton quilt on top of the duvet. Must all be light in weight and breathable for my comfort.
Sometimes I heat a microwaveable therapeutic rice pad placed on top of my pillow under my neck to relax muscle tensions and soothe myself.
I definitely am a hibernator in the winter months!
I certainly hope there will be no discussions between you and your heating system this winter!!! Yes, I remember your story!