‘Twas the day before Christmas
And all through the house
Projects were cranking
With cursor and mouse…
Moi, on my laptop
(Keeping it brief)
Else I would surely
Be due for some grief —
Then to the kitchen
With baking to do
(Yes, so last minute!
How ’bout a “woo hoo?”)
My youngest was tweaking
A musical score,
With keyboard and software
And focus galore,
Meanwhile, big brother
Who asked what I needed –
My fix-it requests,
He quite quickly heeded…
Soon all was busy
(I watched him with glee)
Constructing a shelf
With a saw — just for me!
Other activities,
Meanwhile, begun
As upside down cupcakes
I made one by one…
Yes, some for us
And some for the neighbors —
It’s so nice to gift
The fruit of our labors…
Would that I could
Give a treat to each one
Who stops by to read
For a thought or for fun,
A way to say thank you
For being so great,
You’re truly the joy
In my crazed ‘daily plate’…
And thus, this merci
With my little rhymes,
I wish you sweet moments
And warm, peaceful times.
Bask in your quiet,
Your noise, your adventures
(Soak up your family,
Polish your dentures?)
I’m going to gaze
At the lights and the shoes
(Wee high heel ornaments,
I know… Not news)
Then like my kiddos
This holiday Eve,
(No other tricks
Up this momma’s sleeve…)
I’ll chill for a bit
With films black and white,
Waiting to hear
Very late-late tonight,
Those nifty hoof beats
(Clop-clop on the roof)
Are always a moment
Of magical proof
That we can believe
In goodness, in pleasure —
In childhood dreams,
Ours still, to treasure.
Me, getting sappy?
Uh-huh. ‘Tis quite clear.
And with that I’ll say
That I wish you good cheer!
Many thanks to the wonderful readers who visit and comment, and for the ongoing conversation that has given me far more than you can imagine. A special “merci” to the good sports who participated in the “makeup makeover challenge” and in the midlife makeover series this year. You were all fabulous!
A very special thank you to Andrea Clement for her continuing contributions here.
Please enjoy some of these wonderful writers, whose friendship, creativity, and compassion are both gift and inspiration.
- A Femme d’un Certain Age (Tish)
- Apart From My Art (Sandra)
- Beautycalypse (Nath)
- Chloe of the Mountain (Chloe)
- Design Chic (Kristy)
- Divorced Moms (So many writers!)
- Far From Flawless (Missy)
- From the House of Edward (Pamela)
- High Heels in the Wilderness (Sue)
- Lost in Arles (Heather)
- My French Country Home (Sharon)
- Shifting Gears (Judith)
- Sixty Days in Paris (Barbara)
- Splenderosa (Marsha)
- Style at a Certain Age (Beth)
- The Vintage Contessa (Elizabeth)
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Marvelous D. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and sincere hopes and wishes that 2016 brings you good health and happiness!
A wonderful holiday season to you, too, Ron!
Happiest of Holidays to you, my dear. May the new year bring you joy and many good days of writing. Love you!
xo 🙂
OH I am SO BEHIND!!!!!
I MADE YOUR LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!
This poem was FANTASTIC!!!!
How utterly delightful! Smiling reading every line! Wishing you the best in the New Year!!!!
Happy New Year to you, too!
I got here late, I apologise! Thank you so much for including me in your list, and for your generosity during the past year.
I hope you had a wonderful family Christmas, and wish you much happiness for 2016.
You, too, Sharon!
OMG, how wonderful is this post !!! +
Your sons are too lovely, one making a shelf for you, the other making music !!!
Thank you, Wolfie, for this beautiful tribute to your household and home.
love love love
Add me to the list of Better Late than Never!! I am SO glad that I didn’t miss this entirely as it is just fabulous, no surprise there but I do love your rhymes as well. 🙂
I can’t wait to turn the page…2016 here we come!
Gros Bisous,
Apologies for showing up This. Late.
I’ve kept my life off-line for as long as I could during the holidays, and while I was able to read this more-than-splendid Christmas poem on my phone, commenting was rather hard :’D
I hope you had the most wonderful Christmas and new year’s celebration. Wishing you a very happy, healthy and wonderful 2016! Thank you for being your lovely, creative, tirelessly inventive self and thank you for this very special albeit virtual friendship!
You are such a sweetheart, Nath. And what you do is so important. I’m so glad to have encountered you on the interwebs! с новым годом ! xo