Sumptuous. It is just one of the adjectives I would use to describe La Contessa’s personal style. And speaking of style, what’s better than a Makeover Monday?
A Makeover Tuesday that follows, and with the luxe and whimsy of a Contessa!
If sumptuous is a word I think of as soon as I picture my friend Elizabeth, whom many of you know as La Contessa of The Vintage Contessa, there are other words that come to mind that exemplify not only how she presents and carries herself, but how she seems to embrace the world.
Among those terms: colorful, exuberant, splendid, generous, adventurous, gracious, and very, very real. One more word: abundance… or should I say… “abbondanza,” as Elizabeth is delightfully at home with Italian style, no doubt influenced by living in Italy and her wonderful Italian husband.
Now, I use the term “abundant” in the most positive way. Elizabeth’s abundance of collections that are elements of her signature style are matched by equal parts warmth, caring and playfulness.
Would you like a peek at one of her furnishings that holds some of her treasures?
Elizabeth tells me this amazing display case that houses her baubles is a find from London.
Abundance… Appreciation for the elegance of antiques and vintage accessories, fabrics, furnishings… And fun! See what I mean?
With no further ado (as they say), please enjoy Elizabeth’s reportage in the Shake Up Your Makeup “challenge,” and the gorgeous results.
As another representative from the Fabulous Fifties (we had Barbara and Sue in their fifties as well), Elizabeth has a very different look — just above-the-shoulder length dark hair, dark eyes, and the vibrant style she is known for. Here is her “before” picture, to the right.
La Contessa also enjoys the advantages of being statuesque, which allows her to go big and bold in her style, and pull it off superbly.
Elizabeth recounts her experience:
I started at SEPHORA and they were too busy for me. SO, I walked to NEIMAN’s and they were kind enough to find NATASHA GONZALEZ in the YSL department who was happy to do a makeover on me! First, she used a brush and painted on a moisturizer, which I liked the feel of VERY MUCH. Then she added a foundation and a dark contour under my chin… and above. She used that ECLAT, which I own for use under the eyes, nose and chin.
So what colors would bring out Elizabeth’s lovely eyes and hair? Once the foundation is right, what next, to highlight the Contessa’s natural beauty — and her personal style?
What Did You Like? What Did You Learn?
Elizabeth continues:
Natasha used a brown palette for the eyes, which I liked very much. What I loved was the black pencil she used under my upper eye lid! She said that since I have small eyes, I should never do a line on the top of the lid… and that’s what I do all the time!
Another trick: She used a lip pencil and colored it in on the lips, then applied the LIPSTICK! Very matte. She commented that I THINK that way, you do not need a gloss…
Elizabeth adds:
I was VERY PLEASED with MY LOOK… and did not feel too MADE UP! We then walked over to the CHANEL BOUTIQUE and snapped some photos! I would like to THANK NATASHA for her help and expertise!
Surprise, Surprise…
Personally, I can trace some of my makeup adventures to another life in Manhattan, hitting the Saks counters with a friend and co-worker, before heading on to the many Happy Hour venues that awaited. I have always adored trying new beauty products and saying yes to any offers by on-site makeup artists to do their thing.
This has allowed me the benefit of someone else “interpreting” my face, trying new colors and techniques, and hearing what is advised as my skin, my hair style, and seasonal trends evolve.
Apparently, this is a new experience for Elizabeth. (And I’m wondering if that’s true for others!)
She writes:
I have never done this before… I think it would be GOOD to do maybe twice a year, just to learn little tricks of the trade… And writing this, I realize I forgot to buy the mascara! I would definitely recommend doing it and do BUY A PRODUCT OR FOUR… like ME!!! I think you will USE them and play, and discover a NEW YOU!
Makeup Should Be Fun!
To Elizabeth’s last points, I couldn’t agree more. For many of us, makeup is fun! Still, while I have always found using makeup to be a pleasure rather than a “necessity,” as time marches on, the importance of strategic use of color on my cheeks and liner on my eyes has grown.
Presenting a bright face to the world — literally — can help you feel more confident, not to mention more upbeat if you’re having a tough day. And for those of us who are out in the world as I am, always open to new friends and new business opportunities, this is even more critical. First impressions do indeed count, and the polish that is added through a sweep of Dior or Chanel or YSL can certainly lend a hand. So why not take it, and enjoy the benefits?
Spectacular. Don’t you think?
Do be sure to visit Elizabeth at her blog, The Vintage Contessa. And don’t miss her fabulous feed on Instagram at @antiquegoddess.
Her side-by-side “before and after” is here. Look how magnificently she pulls off this deep red lip. And isn’t the twinkle in her eye a marvel, with or without makeup?
A HUGE thank you to Elizabeth (today) and again to Sandy (yesterday) for their gracious participation in this little adventure. I wonder who may be next…
Read more of the Makeover Series here. Or, if you like, peek at all the makeup makeover posts here..
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Wow! Doesn’t Elizabeth look stunning! The makeup looks just right – chic and sophisticated. And she’s right about checking in with the makeup counter twice a year. Spring and Fall are perfect times as the light changes at these calendar junctures.
Love this series.
Gorgoeus, gorgeous, gorgeous. Elizabeth is gorgeous with makeup or without. Most importantly is the beauty of her. She is so giving, gracious, kind, generous and just so much darn fun! You look divine my dear. Makeup counters should beg you to put their products on you. You look FABULOUS!!!!
And so kind, and gracious, Elizabeth is.
Her beauty is hopefully contagious! I have the pleasure of knowing her and can tell you she is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. Absolutely love Elizabeth’s makeup ! Perfectly done, eyes, brows and lips!
Don’t hold out on us Elizabeth, did Natasha use blush? Eyebrow pencil? I want to know it all.
You can really pull off red lipstick, it looks great and you look wonderful!
You’re right, Tricia. We need just a few more details from La Contessa about blush and pencil. (Perhaps Elizabeth can pop back a bit later and fill us in.) Thanks so much for visiting and commenting! 🙂
NO EYEBROW PENCIL……….. for sure as to a blush I do not think she did! I tried to get in touch with NATASHA yesterday but she had the DAY OFF! I will try again today! WE SHALL FIND OUT!
Elizabeth looks absolutely beautiful…the red lips and brown eye make up look stunning; a beautiful lady and kind, graceful soul. Great post, great series, thank you!
Elizabeth’s affectionate description is absolutely true. And the make-up is just lovely! It emphasizes the sweetness of her features; it’s chic and yet preserves the freshness of her natural beauty, with a point of cheekiness. Well done!
Fantastic!! Yes! the liner on the bottom looks great also!
Eyebrows? What kind of mascara?
You look gorgeous! But it is the beauty within that does the trick! You shimmer!!!!
MY eyebrows are MY own! No help needed there just yet………..
Natasha used the YSL mascara which I really liked. I think what I liked about it is the brush! Well, I found a petite one in my gift with purchase bag!!!!
TRA LA…….. am SET for awhile now!
Wow! Stunning! I love the eyes, skin, lipstick. Everything!
I absolutely adore this woman! She is a true original spirit, an artist, an entertainer, etc. etc. etc. OMG, the wonders of properly applied makeup. Love what the professional did, and it looks perfectly natural, doesn’t it? Natural colors of eyeshadow are a must for anyone over 25. Seriously, those colors just don’t do a woman justice unless you’re going to a costume party. Brilliant post, D. A. !!! I love this idea of yours, keep them coming. xx’s
Elizabeth is always stunning. Make-up just accentuates that beautiful glow from within!
You look beautiful Elizabeth, as always, inside and out. XOXO X
I enjoyed this read immensely. It was great fun to see the transformation.
Contessa, you exude glamour with or without make-up, but it is amazing to see what magic make-up artistry can do in the hands of experts!
Stunning! What a beauty with or with out makeup. What a great idea to go take advantage of some expert advice. Really enjoyed this.
This is so much fun to follow. As a practioner of very subdued make-up, I have always had a soft spot for women who can carry off bold with panache. So many new blog ideas, so little time…
Love, love, love that contessa!! Just as lovely before as after!
YOU’RE IN the FAMILY for sure NOW!
be still, my fluttering heart! 🙂 <3
It is so easy to get into a rut with our makeup, just doing the same old thing year after year. This great post has inspired me to go get myself a makeup-checkup soon. As we age and our skin changes our makeup needs to change along with it. Neimans here I come…
OH BRAVA………… March down to THAT SOUTH COAST PLAZA and see what they can do! I want to see a photo WE all do so MAYBE YOU are the next MAKE OVER GAL???
DO IT………… I think you will enjoy it! I am having SO much fun in the mornings applying what I learned………….
Gorgeous all over! Love the lipstick and that smile!
In a word ” Gorgeous ” 🙂
Oh. My. God. You look…AMAZING!!!!
Now, I agree with everyone else who said that La Contessa is so incredibly beautiful inside and out (and yes that inner beauty is shining through always, always, always) – I know and am so proud to have such a funny, smart, thoughtful, generous and inspiring friend. But how fun to let a pro take a turn? I am absolutely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs over everything – the tone of the foundation, the liner (!), the brows and of course the red lipstick – and yet, as Sandy said, everything is totally natural. Really a spot on perfect look for our Contessa! Brava! Bellissima!!
I AM laughing about the LIPSTICK as almost all of you have mentioned RED! I told NATASHA I like the darker burgundy’s … I remember seeing the lipstick flash by my face and I thought that’s more pinky than burgundy! However, with MY FAVORITE trick SHE taught me “color between the lines” with the lip liner – the pink turned more RED.
Elizabeth looks fabulous, brighter and very polished!! I love to experiment and need to have my makeup done a couple of times a year as my skin has changed and of course I am a woman of age now!!
The Arts by Karena
Painting Central Park
SO fun to share with YOU ALL………
WE are in OUR PRIME!
My friend it is easy to see your internal beauty shining through every day as you are a very special person. That said…WOW love the new look! You look so good in a bright lipstick color and the lining of the under lid is fabulous on you. I think the husband needs to take this beautiful creature out to dinner tonight!!
D.A., this is from my girlfriend who used to WORK for ELIZABETH ARDEN. My husband built her storage unit in the garage. I was fortunate enough to be able to go “SHOPPING” from time to time in the UNIT!!! TALK ABOUT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! Those were THE DAYS!!!
She looks lovely. And her inner sparkle is apparent in both before and after photos.
Mrs. Elizabeth I think you should be called Contessaopoulos for your Greek Goodess name. After 18 years of knowing you. This is it!!! Stunning, I love it!
I ADORE MY NEW CALL NAME! Especially coming from YOU! LADIES, this is the GAL who has been in charge of THE EYEBROWS for 18 years…….. (REALLY?!!) She was ALWAYS under strict instructions NEVER TO TOUCH THEM! In the last couple of years I have allowed her to WAX above and below………
D.A. this would be a GOOD woman to STALK!!!
Wow!!!! Now that’s a reply!!! As always above the Rest… You are one of a kind.. Mrs Elizabeth.
THANK YOU for all the compliments?
Oh my goodness she looks like a teenager! I love this series!!
This has inspired me to go to a makeup counter! My mother took me for a a makeover once, in my teens, and since then I’ve been on my own. Now I’m going to try it! Question, do you simply go and arrive with a blank face? I don’t know the procedure?
Or you arrive with make up and they SWIPE IT ALL AWAY.
Elizabeth has such a pretty face, and the makeup really accentuates her features! I love that tip about applying the liner under the upper eyelid, I am going to try that today!! This is such a fun series, can’t wait to read more!
First THANK YOU for ASKING me to do this…….. I would NEVER had done the makeup at the counter without your INVITATION! I of course was hesitant about the NO MAKE-UP photo, but thought WHY NOT! I had no hesitation walking up to the counter ASKING for a RE~DO either! I think those ladies are SO HAPPY to have someone to work on that it is a WIN WIN situation! There was NO pressure from MY GAL to make the purchase………. I JUST WANTED TO! Because I liked what I saw in the MIRROR!
DO ask questions as the process is being applied! You become more connected and that’s how I learned about those TIPS!!!
It’s a B E A U T I F U L series to share with US your FANS out here in the VIRTUAL SALON!!!
Who will BE NEXT……..?!!
🙂 🙂 xo
Elizabeth, with or without make up you are gorgeous, but now you are RUNWAY READY. Fantastically stunning make over. You are a true beauty inside and out. much love j
Contessa you look absolutely gorgeous, and DA Wolf you are charming us all with this series! Not many people are commenting on Contessa’s ‘before’ picture … you look like a teenager, such a sweet smile and a definite twinkle to your eye. When I spent time with you last year I admired your hair, your skin and of course your style, but this make-up has taken you just one step further – brava!
Elizabeth looks AMAZING !! Those eyes really pop. So beautiful. I’d never heard of putting the pencil under the upper lid. It sure looks gorgeous. Of course Elizabeth looks super chic all the time. I do love how pretty she looks when she smiles like this 🙂
Elizabeth! Hello gorgeous! Your eyes are so beautiful. And I love the necklace;).
I love the makeup on her; the red lip is PERFECTION. And that top and necklace are also amazing… as is her hair. Really lovely job, and what a beautiful woman. xx
You look beautiful! I’d love to know the name of your lipstick if you remember it.
IT Is a YSL…………I don’t know the name but I will swing by the counter and TAKE A GOOD LOOK and report back at YA OHIO GIRLFRIEND!!!
I adore your salt and pepper hair …WOW……You look lovely with or without make-up IMBO xxx