‘Twas the day before Christmas,
We know what that means;
We’re checking off lists –
Baked ham and green beans…
But some of us find
We’re far from prepared,
As glancing at schedules
We’re stressed and we’re scared!
If kiddos are sleeping
We count ourselves lucky
Since losing our cool
Can be majorly sucky,
With trimming the tree
Only recently done,
(I rallied assistance
From Number Two Son);
The baking long planned on
I’ve yet to begin –
Would just one dessert
Really be such a sin?
And what of the wrapping
Of stuff in brown bags?
The ribbon, the boxes,
The cute little tags?
The candy canes, pillows,
The mail not yet sorted?
Will this be the year
For my mess I’m reported?
Somehow my late start
Seems appropriate tending
To one crazy year
Which will shortly be ending!
Instead just these months
And their passage, now blurring,
And Happy that 2014
Soon is stirring!
Tonight, as my boys
Gather round with their pals
With hellos from old friends
Both the guys and the gals,
With no Dasher, no Dancer
No Donder, no Blixen,
No reindeer yon stirring,
Nor I, dressed as vixen –
I hope we’ll be chuckling
Enjoying each other
(Love watching my kids
Being brother to brother).
And moi? My ensemble?
Some leopard for dinner?
Not to eat, but to wear,
Just a touch is a winner!
So cleaning aside
And more laundry to fold
I’ll look at my friendships
And know them for gold
I’ll cherish my loved ones
(They’ll deal with my flurry)
And on to the wrapping –
I really must hurry!
Then cookies (can’t help it)
And one special cake –
More eggnog perhaps?
Martini, no “shake?”
And natch, the best part
Is the laughter ’round here
When family and friends
feel so full of good cheer.
Before I wind up
With this wee Tuesday rhyme,
I must say merci
To some writers, sublime –
So many to visit
With so much to say!
These great moms for instance
Who are blogging away –
Then there’s Tish for great style,
And Marsha and Pseu,
(They all make me smile.
I’m sure you will, too.)
Kitch makes me chuckle,
With Rudri I muse –
CT gives me prose
That dispels all my blues,
Judith’s a read
That is always a pleasure
And chez Vicki I stop
For luxuriant leisure.
Too many to name!
Mr. Belle, nonetheless –
Offers very cool reads,
Always hot off the press.
As for those in my heart?
You know who you are.
I send you my love,
Both near and too far.
I must stop right here
Or the day will slip by –
No elves to assist!
Through my tasks I must fly!
So wishing you cheer
(No, I won’t get sappy) –
Bonnes fêtes and good tidings
Stay safe and be happy!
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Wishing you the happiest of holidays, D.A. Enjoy those two sons. I have one of mine here and he’s already made us a couple of fabulous meals with an assist from his lovely girlfriend. Relax. Enjoy.
With big hugs,
Oh, so good to have my firstborn home! He just arrived a few hours ago… my younger fetched him at the airport. And of course, the boys are already being “boys” together! (Car keys gone, and off on adventures after a lot of laughter.)
They’re cooking for you, Judith? Fabulous! (I think I need to get my two cooking for yours truly after tomorrow!)
D.A., what charming verse, and thank you so much for the mention! The fridge is stocked, the laundry (almost) done, and we’re looking forward to a quiet, low-key day. Joyeuses Fêtes to you and your family!
And to you, too, Pseu! 🙂
Simply brilliant!!!
Love the verses. Happy Holidays, Wolf. Have fun with your sons! xoxo
Thanks, Rudri! xo to you and yours!