As I’ve already confessed that my guilty pleasure is a selective dose of Real Housewives, it should come as no surprise that I also catch a little Vanderpump Rules, the sexy spin-off of the Beverly Hills franchise, clearly targeted at a much younger demographic.
While it’s a pleasant enough diversion in the background, I’m nonetheless aghast at the sexual scrambling that seems to be the main plot line among servers at the Sur Lounge as the spotlight shines on one stormy couple in particular.
While I might assume that much is exaggerated for the cameras, and I believe that what consenting adults do is their business and theirs alone… there is a reason for my concern.
Unprotected sex.
How can I possibly not express dismay at this issue?
Sizzle, Sex… Stupidity
We love love, don’t we?
We love the hot guy and the sexy girl, stirring things up in Sunny Southern California.
We’re drawn to these outrageous 20-somethings as they hook up, break up, and make up around the Sur Lounge, all in the employ of the very elegant Lisa Vanderpump.
But one character seems to “slip” when he’s in Vegas. And what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas when you happen to take certain sexual risks. Not only does this gentleman have unprotected sex out of town, but also, it is revealed, with an interim girlfriend back at the bar.
And that interlude takes place during an on-again off-again relationships with the so-called Love of His Life.
It bears repeating.
Unprotected sex.
Are you shaking your head, pursing your lips, or rolling your eyes? Are you wondering if your own young adult kids would be so reckless – despite what you’ve taught them? Have you ever been so reckless, and do you need a reminder that it’s not too bright?
Orchestrated Sur-Reality
These are, for me, mindless glimpses into orchestrated “sur”reality. I take them for what they are, and don’t expect anything more. But riding bareback through Vegas and a few girlfriends is irresponsible behavior. It disturbs me to see the obvious dangers remain unaddressed.
There was a mention and brief admonishment from the lovely Ms. Vanderpump herself, with regard to the gentleman in question spreading his seed with unfortunate consequences. Granted, much could have (and should have) been dealt with off camera. And yet – how could we dismiss some acknowledgment of the risk of HIV or other sexually transmitted disease?
Sure. But talk about gambling!
And the long-term girlfriend now an ex but then again, maybe not? Isn’t she a tiny bit concerned about her own sexual health?
Who in their right mind would trust this guy’s judgment?
All Together Now: Condoms
This is just my two cents, I realize we only see what is edited for our viewing, and we all know people do dumb things, especially when intoxicated. But when an apparent pattern of sexually irresponsible behavior is shown on the tube, how can we not react – at least by looking at our own lives?
Twenty-something and unattached? Thirty-something and unattached? Sixty-something and unattached? Want to screw around?
Have at it! But for your own sake and for those who trust you – be responsible.
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© D. A. Wolf

Some people don’t want to consider that playing with fire can burn you. Definitely not smart.
Do you remember when reality tv used to be called the news? If you needed a sign of the decline of America, this widespread obsession with reality tv seems like “obsessive rubbernecking syndrome” (ORS). The real question is whether this is a reflection of reality or influencing future reality?
As for the unprotected sex it seems like this is happening more and more. Also since my split I have spoken to other men and women in their 30s, 40s and 50s who seem to do this more than younger adults. I feel like a hypochondriac anal prudish overcautious rube but better safe than sorry. At what point do you no longer use a condom in a relationship? Is it a time, trust or medical certificate trigger for the change in behaviour? Honestly I am not sure what the answer to that is and I am curious as to what others think.
Excellent questions, Curtis.
Time is a factor for me, but not the only factor. I have asked a partner to take blood tests and prove they’re fine… just as I am able to do. Disease isn’t personal, and nor should we be afraid to discuss these things like adults. You would think protecting one’s health and ensuring your loved ones’ health would be a no-brainer.
Like you, I would also love to know what others think about the how and when of dispensing with protection.
Anyone else care to offer their experience and their criteria?