May we thank the French once again for another noteworthy magazine offering?
How about an amiable oo-la-la for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on the cover of l’Officiel Hommes, in what some are referring to as a straddling position?
Go figure.
Choice Words
That (American?) choice of words conveys a crass nature to this view of the loving couple, whereas most of the French press I’ve glanced at relies on terms suggesting embrace, passion, and sensuality for the nude pics shot by Nick Knight.
Hélas, the magazine, which hit the stands this week (in France), is not available at my local bookseller. Then again, I don’t think I’d spring for this publication, much as I take pleasure in a French mag on occasion.
While I admire and appreciate the human form, I’m a tad weary of our reality personalities baring all for… well, why is it again, exactly? Oh yes, publicity in a narcissistic age. Bucks. Right. And was that what the Daily Mail meant when they referred to this media coverage as “shameless?” Or were they referring to the subjects in these pictures?
Is Privacy a Thing of the Past?
I must chuckle at our varying perspectives on all things intimate. Still, to think, it seems like only days before that Ms. Kardashian was expressing a desire to live more privately…
And that works how, when you seek the spotlight at every turn?
I find the passion of consenting adults to be a fine thing indeed, and I don’t consider this cover controversial. Compare it to other attention-grabbing feats and faux-pas, such as the mini-model brouhaha on the part of French Vogue two years back.
But why the fascination with Kim and Kanye? I admit, I don’t get it. And why is this cover making the rounds world-wide?
Curiosity? The voyeur in all of us?

I suspect people are shocked by what looks like true passion on her face–we’re not used to seeing that level of intimacy. We are voyeurs- and though this is a tasteful sensuous photo it seems a bit much to me. I don’t really know what any of the Kardashians look like so this wouldn’t have done much for me in ‘idol’ appeal. I admire the bodies and the obvious sensuous elements.
It’s funny, Walker. To me, this looks like “faked passion.” Still, I would be curious to see how artfully the photo spread has been accomplished. Beyond that, I also find myself feeling a bit badly for the (still not an ex) husband… Hmmm. Was that only a year ago? Longer? You know – the 72-day marriage…
And I would feel the same way about a man who pulled that stunt… or, whatever.
I appreciate the photos for the artistic quality. Beyond that the Kanye, Kardashian, drama, star relationships, etc, etc, …….(yawn) same ole bread and circuses…….I would give it as much thought as Donald Trump’s hair piece: a momentary and fleeting curiousity.
Donald Trump’s hair piece… Curtis, you make me chuckle.
At first glance, the woman looks more like Janet Jackson than Kim K. I’ll give her credit for looking different from her usual photos, even if it probably is “faked passion.”